Chapter 2

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At serpulo (Sharded POV)

'Hmm they seems weaker than i though, 1 dagger even can kill bunch of enemies easily' The AI right now is looking at the footage that happen inside the portal, it it seem like the AI look like flabbergasted at the look of this new unfamiliar world 'Blue sky,Green land and full of living thing...Arent this is serpulo before we starting a war with crux?'.

The AI now feeling sad the fact that the scene must be destroyed by the battlefield that the AI and the portals peolpe made 'In matter of time no matter what i do, i will destroy everything in my way' as the AI now scanning all the single living organism in the planet. The JSDF peolpe now is on high alert because of this news GATE enemy thing.


"Commander!, many peolpe will die by you reckless!, did you dont know how many of our peolpe die by that mecha thing huh!" Said one of the Lieutenant.

"I know what i am do, after realizing how strong this unknown enemy is we cant let them go to the Japan, even that mean i must sacrifice every one of our soldier to do it" said the Commander with stern face.

"B-but-" Before the Lieutenant can complain again the Commander cut it "I hate to say this Lieutenant, but peolpe die in war, we either die as a hero or see our own country,family and friend get killed by that monstrous thing".

"I-i understand.... i will prepare it" Answer the Lieutenant with defeated face
"Does that mean we will make alliance with the Imperials?" Ask the Leutnant.

"Yes i already sent Itami Group to the Imperial place so they can start the peace with them" Said the Commander.

Before even two of them can discuss even more, one of the soldier is break through the door with a pale face "THE IMPERIALS CITY SADERA JUST DESTROYED BY THE ENEMY!!".

Sharded POV

'Hmm this place is full of ore, i think we can use of them as backup supply. Right Reign?' Said the AI as them building the defense outside the portals with 1 Reign as the supporter for any attack 'Haha i know right the ore is inside the dirt like at Erekir planet' The AI seems want to chat with the big robot, but once again the Unit answered with silence again 'Heh Alright since i know where the core of the enemy is i will send you to destroy they all'.

With that the AI sending the Reign to the Imperial place. On it ways look like our Reign just get caught up by some Important peolpe.

Itami Squad POV [JSDF]

"Soo why again we start to make peace with the Imperials army?" Said Itami with tired face.

"To be honest i dont know, but it good thing the fact that we will stop this bloodbath war" Answer Kurata Takeo.

"Hemm, Is sure a good thing, with that now i can read my novel without any disturbance" Said Itami with laugh.

"You really have the attitude lieutenant" Answer Kurata with his own laugh. Before they can start more joke, Private Tozu cut them up from the radio.

"I am sorry for the disturb, but i think you all should look at your left" Said him with uncertain tone. As all the Group now looking to the left. They all was left shock by the look of some HUMONGOUS Mech they ever see.

"Is that." said Lelei before get cut down by screaming "DODGEEE!" Scream kuwabara as the shell now hitting one of the vehicle Boom BAAM.

"NOO!!" Scream Kuribayashi as Everyone on the Third Vehicle get destroyed.

"Shit!, EVERYONE MOVE TO THE FOREST!!" As the Itami get shocked what happened another shell now explode close to them Boom "AHHHH" Said everyone in the 1 Vehicle before all of them get unconscious because of the rolling vehicle.

Reign POV [Sharded]

The intruder has been dealt, countinued the task With the Unit now ignored the destroyed vehicle, Now they keep moving toward the imperials.

Enemy detected at 5KM Prepare the long aim Sound of something recharge can be heard from Reign Canon Barrels.

The Princess POV [Imperial army]

"Once again many of our army get killed without any profers fight....How many will you sacrifice my Majesty. Dont you see? We all nothing compare to all of those Another world peolpe..." Said one of the Anti war peolpe.

"You dare to oppose the Majesty order hah!! If we all weak, how can we make this County go glory then!" Shout one of the peolpe who wanna keep start the War.

"My majesty, i am sorry for say this but they are right we are now weak and much of our soldier get waste for nothing.." Said the Princess Pina Colada

"....I think is time we should stop the war" Said the King. With everyone now shocked with what did just the King said, even before one of them can question it an sound of explode can be heard from a far Boom.

With reign now starting the fire everyone from the country now get into chaos. As everyone trying to running away from the debris and fire from the attack.

Kids,Adult,Young,Old,Rich or Poor All of them now death by the Shell of Reign. All of them.

"Evacuate all the royal peolpe!, Prepare the Wyvern to counter attack!" Said one of the soldier as they escort everyone from the castle.

"What is that thing!" Said the princess as they all running away from the explosion "Oh my great God, is this the recompense for all of our sins?" The anti war peolpe now get severe trauma, because they dont know that the war can make this happened.

Imperial soldier POV

"Oh gods, give us power to attack this monster" said one of the mage as their attack didnt even scratch the monster.

"Keep this thing busy!, Wait until all of the royal peolpe get evacuated!" Said one of the captains as they keep swinging their sword at the thing, even tho he know it was useless.

"Why this thing just attacking the-BOOM poor guys he die before cant finish the words. As the captain now gone now all the army starting to lose their positions "Fuck this shit i am running away!" Said one of the soldier.

Everyone in the front now is death the Reign now can easily aim the castle BOOM BOOM BOOM Everything on the canon path now is a debris, not a single living this survive the canon attack.

Itami Squad [JSDF] POV

"Uugh,what just happening" said itami while holding his bleeding head "shit, are you guys fine?" Ask itami as he was hoping to get answer. Realizing nobody inside the vehicle, Itami now trying to get outside "Where is everyone?, and why there so much sm-" Oh speaking of everyone now he was looking at the half body of death Tozu "AAAAAHHHHH!" scream Itami before he was awaken by the sound of explode.

"Gasp, i need to check everyone" said Itami while rushing going outside. The cloud now is turn red, there now smoke everywhere as the forest now is burning.

"Itami..." said Lelei as she was crying holding someone head "Oh thanks god you re fine!, Where is everyone!?" Said Itami with grateful voice.

But Lelei didnt answer him as she was now crying loudly "H-Hey what wr-" asking Itami before shocked to see she was holding the head of Luna "No.. no! this is.....Ahahaha...this is just another nightmare this is just another nightmare" Repeat Itami again and again.

Boom Boom The sound Of explode now can be heard again, with everyone who still alive now looking at the sound, they all realize that they all was nothing compare to that thing.

The county now burning to the ground, The Strongest country, the Majesty country, was now just a bunch of debris with fire swallow the country......."We must report this to your commander" Said Kurokawa while holding her broken arm.

"Yes.." was the only answer Itami give.
He was now looking at the burning castle, he was know that the Princess Pina was over there and now was death to.

Instead of crying or screaming, Itami now just make the expressionless face and say "Such way of live".


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