Side Chapter 1 (non canon)

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Earth Space [Sharded POV]

'Hmm another same planet i see, but this one is only have 1 dimensions. Interisting' The AI who is flying with longinus from space above, right now is observing the planet surface.

Looking close, the AI now realize that the creature from this planet is fighting each other again 'This creature really love war huh?'.

The AI now taking another time to observe the surface again
'Some small peolpe again and wait... is that!' Seems like the AI notice something in the surface, unpatienly the AI who drive the Space Ship now moving at the earth with max speed.

'Unbelieve! Did it really has the same appereance as our T6 unit!?' The AI who now in the cloud now stoping because saw something come from above the radars with incridible speed! The AI is now looking up and saw something 'What the fuck is tha-KABOOM.

Earth [Saitama POV]

"Phew, that really refreshing jump but before that? Did i just hit some bird? Well whanever" Yeah maybe it just in my mind, anyway back to Boros.

Serpulo [Sharded POV]

'Yeah... fuck that shit..., change the portals boys!' and for the first time ever the AI now feel fear to something that breath.

I am Bored

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