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~ Debby's POV~

We got to the restaurant in about 30-40 minutes. I got out not even noticing the restaurant that stood in front of me. I look up and see the restaurant, I felt so out of place seeing that I came from a 2nd class family. I didn't belong and I did not want to be in there, everything and everyone I saw through the window made me feel even more hopeless.

I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind. I jolted in shock pulling me out of my thoughts. "Ready to go in?" Jack asks. "Yes" I lied. He held my hand as we went in.
We enter and see and elegant yet stunning chandelier, decorations made of the finest china, curtains made out of silk, and the staff was in finest of clothing. We were greeted by the hostess "Welcome and do you have reservations?" she asked in a friendly voice. "Yes, reservation for Jack Fowler" Jack answered. "Ahh yes, Mr.Fowler, table for two I see. Follow me please" He directed us to our table and gave us our menu and left to get wine. I guess he thinks I'm older than 21. "Debby I wanted to ask you something" he looked at me with eyes I couldn't read.

(J) " Im leaving on tour in 2 weeks"

(D) "Yeah I know

(J) "How?"

(D) "I live with Tony he tells me everything"

(J) " I need to ask you something. It may come as a shock to you but I really need to ask you and you might need some time to think about and I'm totally cool with you and whatever you decide, I will understand but........"

(D) "Let me cut you off right there. You're rambling and when you ramble then it means that this has been on your mind for a while but just know that you can tell me anything"

He just sighed. "Well..... I know you're studying to get into SCAD because you want to get a degree in photography and you want to travel the world doing what you love. Well..... the record wants a photographer for each band to make posters, use photos for merch and they also need a person to make weekly videos while the band is on tour. They were assigning each band a person but I asked them if you could do it and that you had amazing skills, I showed them some of your work. They told me if that if you accepted you automatically had the job. Before you get excited the problem is that if you accept you have to go with us once we leave in two weeks." I just sat there shocked as to what I had just heard I was about to say yes but I remembered that I have school to go to. "Jack I'd loved to but I have school to go to and I don't want to just drop it." I looked at him tears where about to well up my eyes but he told me something that I would of never thought of. "Debby I knew you wouldn't want to drop school so I did a little research and you can get your GED online and enter the online SCAD program. Therefore you get to finish school and get you college degree." He smiled as I stood there amazed as to know that he did care for me so much. "Jack you're amazing! I'd love to do the job. There's only one problem to this" "What's that babe?" "I need to tell Tony and see what he says" "That's very true but for now lets enjoy dinner" The waiter came back with a bottle of wine and took our order. 20 minutes later our food arrived. After long conversations about old memories and what went down while he was gone, Jack paid he bill and we left to his car. He started to drive but the only problem was that he was going a different way. It threw me off by surprise. "umm.... Jack where are we going?" I began to panic a little. "We're taking a little detour." "Jack I Don't like the sound of that, please tell me where we're going." "Do you trust me?" "Yes" "Then don't ask anymore questions"

~Author's Note~
So I know I haven't updated and since its summer I'll try my best to update more often, and Happy 4th of July guys!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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