Roger Rabbit

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~Jack's POV~

I rang the door bell right after I took a shower and unpacked my stuff. The door opened and I saw the one person I wanted to see. "Jack!" she screamed. "Debby" I said opening my arms as she jumped on me giving me the tightest hug ever. I noticed Debby had been crying before so I decided to ask her knowing she wasn't going to give a complete answer.Then I felt tears starting to stream down her face. "What's wrong" I said in a worried voice. "Nothing I'm just happy to see you" I knew that wasn't her full answer. "Debby you know you can't lie to me I know that's not the full reason why you are crying" I said in a low caring voice. She looks up at me with tears still in her eyes. "You know me so well how could I have thought I could lie to you thats why I love you." Her words hit me like the arrows of a cupid it was hard not to tell her how I felt about her. "I love you too" I mean't the words I said every single one I loved this girl with all my heart I don't know what I would do without her. I heard someone clear their throat behind me and Debby. I look and see Tony with a raised eyebrow. Me and Debby leave our hugging session. "Hey Tony!" I say as I walk towards him and give him a hug. "Hey Jack what brings you here?" "Well as you know I just came back from tour and well like always I come and steal Debby from your hands for a while" I said with a light chuckle. I look at Debby and she just smiles at me. "Well Lets go" I say to break the akward silence that was going to happen. "I can't" she says plainly. "Why?" I say as I tilt my head and raise an eyebrow. All she does is just point at her self she was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie and her hair was up in a messy bun. "What's wrong with what you're wearing you are still as beautiful" I say and immediately close my mouth when I realized I said that outloud. "Umm.. thanks but I can't go looking like I just woke up" she said very shyly. Wow I have never seen that side of her "Well then go change" I say and she runs up the stairs. "I'll be down in about 20 mintues" she says almost tripping on her way up. "Dude you really do love her don't you?" Tony aks curiously. Tony was the only one who knew I had a thing for Debby.

~Tony's POV~

"Jack lets go to the living room" I tell him as I walk to the living room and sit on one of the couches. "Dude I know she's your cousin but you consider her like your sister but I'm crazy about her and I want to ask her out today but I'm not sure what to do" He says so fast I almost got lost for a moment. "Jack I know you do but there is one thing you forgot you still don't know if I allow you to ask her out" I say and his eyes immediately shot open. "Dude please you know I love her you can't do this I'm crazy mad..." I cut him off and start to laugh. "Why are you laughing this is about your cousin we are talking about!" he says as he gets worried. "Dude I'm just messing with you of course you can date her but seriously if you hurt her I will personally come and rip your balls off with my own hands" I say with seriousness in my voice. "Dude that will never happen I love her to much for that."

~Debby's POV~

My mind circles what Jack had just said. Did he really say that I feel myself starting to get goosebumps Thump! I fall on my butt. Suddenly I am distured from my thoughts. "I'm sorry I wasnt watching" I see Mike looking down at me with his hand out. I thankfully took his hand and got up. "Who's here??" Mike asks curiously. "Jack" I said with a smile. "Well isn't someone happy to know he's here"  he cocked his head. I nodded while doing so I looked down and my cheeks started to feel warm. I was blushing but why? I have never blushed about seeing Jack or hearing his name. Why is this happening? "Debby, Debby!" I was startled out of my thoughts. "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready?" Mike said trying to regain my  attention. "Oh yeah excuse me" I said making my way toward my room. I entered my room and took out a pair of burgundy skinny jeans and my My Chemical Romance shirt. I entered my bathroom, straighten my hair and teased it a bit. I put on a thin layer of eyeliner and put on some mascara. Once I finished I exit my room and started to make my way downstairs. I reached the bottom and he wasn't there. Funny I thought he's usually here when we leave somewhere. I check the kitchen nothing. The hallway nothing. I reach the living room and I see Jack and Tony sitting there. "Ready?" I hear Jack say happily.  I nod and we make our way to the door.  "Bye Tony see you in a little" I tell Tony before I closed the door. "Where to my lady?" Jack says trying to sound as old fashion as possible. His voice was so soothing to my ears. What is happening he comes back and these crazy emotions or whatever you can call it is happening. "Anywhere with you my kind sir" I say trying to sound as lady like as possible. He grabs my hand and I blushed a rushing feeling shivers down my spine. I have no idea what is happening I hope Jack doesn't notice how will I tell him what is going on when I, myself don't even know. He opens my door "Well why thank you kind sir" I say to him in a british voice. He goes to his door and starts the car. As we drive an awkward yet comfortable silence starts to form. "Debby" I hear Jack say trying to break the awkward silence. "Yes Jack?" I immediately reply. "Can I ask you a question?" He says very timid.

~Author's Note~

Sorry if it's short I haven't been able to write because of school.Tell me what you think so far.



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