Velvet Embrace of Babbling Babel | 001 |

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──❝Velvet Embrace of Babbling Babel❞──



SEPTEMBER 26, 1998

As the first light of dawn crept over the city of Raccoon City, the sun cast a soft glow over the towering structures and bounced off the windows, casting a warm light on the scene. The streets were quiet, with only a few early risers out for a jog or walking their dogs. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying with it the promise of a new beginning. The early morning rays of sunlight filtered through the half-closed blinds, casting a gentle glow on the small bedroom that belonged to a woman. [Y/n] [S/n]. She slept peacefully, her breathing slow and steady, as if completely unaware of the world outside. The soft sound of birds chirping faintly reached her ears, adding a serene melody to the tranquil atmosphere. [Y/n]'s peaceful slumber was abruptly shattered by the shrill buzz of her alarm clock, cutting through the stillness of the room. As the alarm clock continued to buzz, she groggily reached out and groped for the device, fumbling to find it on the nightstand. Finally grasping it, she pressed the snooze button, hoping for just a few more minutes of uninterrupted sleep. However, she had a job to get to and couldn't afford to hit the snooze button too many times. She rubbed her eyes, trying to focus on the shapes around her, and felt a sense of grogginess linger in her mind. Slowly, she pushed herself out of bed, her feet sinking into the plush carpeting as she rose to meet the new day.

[Y/n] shuffled her way to the bathroom, and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror: tousled hair cascading in waves down her shoulders, eyes still heavy with drowsiness. She sighed softly, resolving to make the best of the day ahead. She twisted the faucet on, the water cascading into her ears like a soothing balm for her troubled mind. [Y/n] cupped her hands, gathered the water, and splashed the cool water on her face, willing away the remnants of sleep that clung to her features. When she was done, she reached for a towel to pat her face dry. With renewed determination, [Y/n] moved through her morning routine. She brushed her teeth with precision, the minty freshness invigorating her senses. Her fingers skillfully worked through her hair, taming each unruly strand into a neat ponytail. She slipped into her uniform, a simple yet crisp black dress adorned with a small white apron tied around her waist.

As [Y/n] exited her room, she brewed herself a cup of freshly ground coffee, taking care to measure out just the right amount of beans and water. The aroma of the brewing coffee filled the air, a rich and inviting scent that permeated throughout the small apartment. She then began to prepare a simple breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs, the aroma of the food filling the room and making her stomach growl with anticipation. After the coffee was finished brewing, [Y/n] poured a steaming cup and took a sip, savoring the rich flavor as it danced across her lips. [Y/n] took a seat at the circular table and began to enjoy her breakfast, enjoying the combination of crispy toast and fluffy eggs. How could this day get any better? As she sipped the hot beverage, she glanced at the time—it was time to head to work. 'Right. I better finish up quickly,' she thought to herself, feeling a tinge of disappointment that her leisurely breakfast had to come to an end. She quickly finished her meal, cleaned up the dishes, and grabbed her bag before heading out the door, hoping that the rest of her day would be just as satisfying as her breakfast. 

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