The Search For The Elusive Medallions | 009 |

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──❝The Search For The Elusive Medallions ❞──


"Any idea where the medallions could be?" Leon's voice was like a thunderclap that abruptly shattered [Y/n]'s concentration, snapping her thoughts away from the musings in Elliot's notebook. As her finger hovered midway through the page, her eyes darted over her shoulder toward Leon's, meeting his intense gaze. The subtle crease on her forehead betrayed the mental gymnastics taking place within her mind. As [Y/n] pondered Leon's inquiry, a brief moment of contemplation passed before she formulated her response. "I'm not sure, but according to Elliot's Notebook, the three statues that hold the medallions include a lion, a unicorn, and a woman with a vase. Lucky for us, the lion statue is just above us on the second floor." Leon nodded as he absorbed the information. "That's a promising lead," he exclaimed. "Lead the way." As Leon and [Y/n] made their way up the stairs, a captivating tapestry of sounds and sensations unraveled around them. The delicate rhythm of their footsteps, punctuated by the muted thud of their shoes against the polished marble stairs, blended seamlessly with the faint rustle of their clothing brushing against each other. "There it is." They were soon greeted by the sight of the lion statue, with its regal posture and majestic gaze commanding attention. What caught their eyes, however, was the lion's paw, which rested firmly on top of the police badge, as if to symbolize its protection of the city and its people.

[Y/n] stood before the lion statue, her gaze fixed on the intricate puzzle. The statue was embellished with various symbols, but her attention was fixed on the three specific symbols she needed: a majestic lion, a flourishing leafy branch, and a graceful bird. With furrowed brows and determined eyes, [Y/n] examined the symbols closely in her notebook, looking for any clues that would guide her to the correct alignment. The pressure of the moment was palpable, weighing heavily on her as she knew that solving this puzzle was the key to unlocking the hidden treasure. As she contemplated her next move, Leon's voice broke the silence, startling her. "So, how long have you been serving in the force?" inquired Leon, his eyes glimmering with curiosity. He hoped to establish a connection and understand the person who stood beside him on this perilous journey. Pausing for a moment, [Y/n] turned towards Leon, a hint of weariness in her eyes. "I'm not with the force," she responded, her voice steady but tinged with sorrow. "I was just a normal citizen before the outbreak started. Now, I find myself fortunate enough to have survived this far."

Leon's brows furrowed in surprise, touched by [Y/n]'s vulnerability in sharing her past. "I see," he replied gently. "I don't know what you've been through, but I do know that it takes a lot of courage to open up about it. Marvin is lucky to have you by his side." A small smile tugged at the corners of [Y/n]'s mouth, appreciating Leon's words of encouragement. "Thank you, Leon. We all have our roles to play in overcoming this darkness. Now let me focus." With his hands raised in mock surrender, Leon nodded understandingly. "Of course, I'll let you concentrate," he said, stepping back slightly to give [Y/n] some space. His piercing blue eyes never wavered from her; his complete and unwavering focus was solely on her captivating presence. Turning her attention back to the symbols, [Y/n] could feel an overwhelming determination coursing through her veins. She began to align the symbols, carefully rotating each one until the lion, the leafy branch, and the bird were perfectly positioned from left to right. With a soft click, the statue rumbled, and the statue's badge began to shift. With a soft creak, the secret compartment slowly opened, revealing the gleaming lion medallion nestled within its depths. "One down, but there are still two more to go," [Y/n] exclaimed in triumph. 

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