The Crimson Horizon | 013 |

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──❝The Crimson Horizon❞──


Leon and [Y/n] carefully made their way toward the Spade Door, their footsteps echoing in the dimly lit hallway. The sound of rain pattering against the windows created a somber backdrop to their journey. The spade key glinted in [Y/n]'s hand as she positioned it in the lock, feeling a satisfying click as the door unlocked. The door swung open, revealing a flight of stairs leading downward and a gust of wind whispering through the opening. They descended the staircase, the air around them growing colder with each step. [Y/n] was hit with a wave of unease as the tension in the air grew palpable, and a chill ran down her spine as a feeling of foreboding settled in her gut. Each step they took was met with an increased sense of curiosity and wonder as they eagerly awaited the reveal of what Marvin had in store for them. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they found Marvin slumped over the laptop, his face twisted in agony. He was grinding his teeth and tapping at the keypads with a weak finger on the touchpad. 

"Marvin, what's wrong?" [Y/n] asked, her pace quickening as she approached him. Her countenance was lined with worry, her furrowed brows etching a visage of distress, and her deep-set eyes reflecting an ocean of anxiety. Marvin let out a faint chuckle, which barely made a sound, and then he waved his hand dismissively, slightly bowing his head down towards the laptop. "It's not me; who should you be worried about?" His once-stalwart shoulders, which had been so resolute and unwavering, now slumped in defeat, betraying the vulnerability that lay beneath the surface. [Y/n] sighed, still not fully convinced, but decided to trust his judgment. Marvin pointed to the laptop, his eyes filled with urgency and concern. "Now that you're here... Come here, take a look, he said, his voice weary but determined. Leon and [Y/n] leaned in, their eyes fixed on the security feed displayed on the tablet. It showed a woman in a red jacket, soaked by the relentless rain. In a display of utmost concentration, she focused intently, straining to catch any flicker of vitality or any subtle indication of life in the woman. She was very much alive and not a zombie. Leon's eyes widened in recognition. "Yes! I knew she'd make it." Leon emitted a jubilant sound, a blend of elation and concern resonating in his voice. 

"You know her?" [Y/n] inquired, a single eyebrow arching in curiosity as if seeking confirmation or further details about the person in question. Leon's head bobbed up and down with enthusiasm, his locks cascading over his brow, as he animatedly replied, "Yeah, name's Claire. I came into town with her. A wave of relief washed over [Y/n] like a tremendously heavy weight being lifted off their shoulders. A soothing sensation washed over her as if a gentle zephyr had traversed her inner sanctum, erasing the remnants of tension and leaving in its wake a serene and tranquil atmosphere. Finally, another survivor, someone Leon knew. The loneliness and fear that had engulfed them seemed to dissipate, replaced with renewed hope. "Thank god. Luck has finally smiled upon me," [Y/n] whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the overwhelming emotions. "If she is a survivor, then we must assist her. She's standing in the rain." [Y/n] indicates the woman's drenched figure, shivering from the cold, her determination solidifying. Leon nodded in agreement, his heart swelling with compassion.

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