Reflecting on Reminiscent Memories | 015 |

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──❝Reflecting on Reminiscent Memories❞──


[Y/n] carefully crouched down in front of the prone figure of the officer, a sense of caution and trepidation overtaking her as she made a thorough examination to confirm that they were indeed lifeless. [Y/n]'s gaze slowly shifted from the pale face of the fallen officer to the nearby cache of handgun ammunition, her eyes narrowing as she swiftly reached out and plucked it from its resting place, her hand closing around the precious load of ammunition with a firm grip. With practiced ease, [Y/n] grasped the lid of the ammunition box and opened it, her eyes scanning the contents as she carefully removed a few rounds and placed them into her palm. With practiced ease, [Y/n] ejected the empty shells from her gun, the metallic clang echoing through the silent room as she reloaded the fresh rounds into the magazine. She slid a fresh round into the chamber, feeling the satisfying click as it locked into place as her fingers worked the side to chamber a round. The mechanical clicks and whirs of the gun blend with the sound of his steady breaths.

[Y/n] soon drifted off into her own thoughts. As her thoughts began to drift away, she was transported into a state of reflection, where her mind was free to roam and explore the depths of her consciousness. The days since the virus had spread had been an endless cycle of fear and confusion for [Y/n], leaving her feeling trapped in a maelstrom of unpredictability and despair. If the outbreak had never taken place, the city would have been vastly different, with different trajectories and outcomes for countless individuals and events. Each morning, [Y/n] would arise with a sense of determination and structure, methodically working through her daily tasks with a clear purpose and unwavering resolve. But this new reality had shattered the familiarity of [Y/n]'s existence, leaving an indelible mark that would forever alter her life and the way she perceived the world around her. [Y/n] knew that there was no turning back from that day and what had happened. She had the impression that it was only the beginning of something and that a lot more was to come. The realization was a heavy burden on her heart. Shaking away the melancholy, she lowered her gaze to her handgun. [Y/n] found herself struggling to keep pace with her racing thoughts, each one threatening to overwhelm the next as she grappled with the magnitude of what was happening.

Leon, standing a few feet away beside [Y/n], was acutely aware of [Y/n]'s inner turmoil. Though his back was turned to her, he continuously glanced over his shoulder, his concerned eyes searching for any sign of distress. The tension radiated from [Y/n] like a palpable force, causing Leon to instinctively take a step back. He could see the conflict raging within [Y/n]'s eyes, the furrowed brow and clenched fists revealing the depth of their emotions. Leon, too, felt the mounting strain, the unspoken words echoing in his mind like a muted cry. He wanted to break the silence and comfort her with the thoughts that were racing through his mind. But his lips remained sealed shut, weighed down by the fear of saying the wrong thing or making matters worse. 

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