Reanimation of Fleshy Oblivion | 012 |

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──❝Reanimation of Fleshy Oblivion❞──


Leon and [Y/n] ascended the stairway to the third floor, feeling the temperature drop with every step. The cool air wrapped around them like a comforting embrace, providing relief from the stifling heat of the lower floors. There was a lingering sense that something was amiss, a feeling that defied explanation. The ground beneath their feet seemed to shift and quiver, as if hinting at something sinister lurking just out of sight. Despite their best efforts to shake off the unease, it clung to them like a shadow, growing ever more menacing with each passing moment. The hallway loomed before them, an ominous expanse of darkness that seemed to stretch on forever. The air was thick with an unsettling silence, as if time itself had come to a standstill. The only sound that could be heard was the soft scraping of their footsteps on the tiled floor, echoing through the empty corridor like a death knell. As they approached the end of the long, somber hallway, Leon and [Y/n] were confronted by an unexpected sight. The wall before them stood like a grim sentinel, its surface cracked and broken, as if it had been battered and torn asunder by some unseen force. God, what could have caused this?" Leon whispered, his voice barely audible in the eerie stillness. "I don't want to know." [Y/n] responded, weary of the mysteries that seemed to surround them at every turn. 

[Y/n] approached the weathered desk, brushing aside the pile of papers and books that cluttered its surface. The desk, worn and aged, bore the marks of time with its faded wood and chipped edges. Gingerly, she retrieved the Spade Key from its concealed sanctuary and discreetly secured it within the confines of her pocket, feeling a surge of determination coursing through her veins. 'This must be the key to unlock the Main Hall.' [Y/n] turned back to Leon, who beckoned her to follow him. He pushed open the next door, revealing a long, dimly lit hallway with a single window at the end. A brief moment of relief washed over her as she gazed upon the eerie silence that seemed to envelop the hallway. The absence of any sounds or movement was a welcome change from the chaos and danger that they had just experienced. There were no signs of any zombies in the vicinity, alive or dead. 

[Y/n] and Leon cautiously walked side by side down the dimly lit hallway, their trained handguns held firmly in their grips. The weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air as they carefully navigated the hallway, searching for any signs of danger. The echo of their footsteps reverberated off the decaying walls, creating an eerie soundtrack to their journey. As they proceeded, a sudden movement caught their attention. With synchronized precision, both [Y/n] and Leon swiftly turned their heads toward the window at the far end of the corridor. They locked eyes, their brows furrowing and their hearts pounding in sync, adrenaline coursing through their veins. "What in the---!?" Their sharp, focused gazes were fixed on the mysterious, scuttling figure that darted past the frosted glass. Its presence was a bleak reminder of the relentless danger that lurked beyond the walls they had considered safe.

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