Soothing Embrace of Ambient Abysses | 010 |

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──❝Soothing Embrace of Ambient Abysses❞──


As Leon and [Y/n] ventured deeper into the darkness of the hallway, their pistols remained steadfastly in their hands, their senses heightened, and their nerves taut. Their fingers hovered over the triggers, poised to react at a moment's notice. An unsettling stillness hung heavily in the air, broken only by a faint, guttural growl that clawed its way toward them. The acrid stench of decay permeated the air, enhancing the sense of impending danger. While they had not yet encountered any zombies, their senses remained on high alert, anticipating their presence at any moment. Suddenly, an unsettling figure materialized at the end of the dimly lit hallway. It was a shambling, decaying corpse, its jaundiced skin stretched taut over its bones. With a grisly growl, the creature raised its clenched fist and slammed it against the window, causing the panes of glass to rattle and shudder in response to the sheer force of its impact. Its milky white eyes stared blankly ahead, devoid of any trace of humanity. 

As the relentless and mindless zombie continued to pound on the reinforced glass window with its bony fists, [Y/n]'s heart raced with each impact, like a drumbeat reverberating through her entire body. The constant barrage of blows caused the glass to rattle and shake, threatening to shatter at any moment. With a surge of adrenaline, Leon hurriedly grabbed nearby planks of wood and swiftly began boarding up the window, the sound of splintering wood echoing in the hallway as he worked frantically to fortify their only barrier against the relentless undead. Sweat dripped down his forehead, mingling with the dust and grime that covered his face, as he desperately tried to secure their fragile sanctuary, his knuckles white with strain. "Stay close," Leon called out to [Y/n], motioning for them to follow him to the Operations room. "Wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon." [Y/n] responded, their voice laced with a hint of defiance. Leon led the way, his footsteps urgent and determined. 

As they entered the Operations room, the door closing behind them with a soft click, Leon's eyes quickly scanned the area. Spotting a small desk to the left, he noticed a cache of handgun ammunition. Without hesitation, he reached out and swiftly pocketed it, the cache rattling slightly as he did so. Meanwhile, [Y/n] directed her attention to the chained-up door in the corner of the room, hands resting on her hips as she assessed the situation. The heavy chains and reinforced lock indicated that whatever was behind that door was meant to stay hidden and secure. As she walked over, Leon's voice broke through the silence, a note of urgency present. "We don't have time for that now. We need to find a way out of here. It's not safe." Reluctantly, [Y/n] tore their gaze away from the mysterious door and turned their attention to the large board behind the podium. Leon was already there, swiftly grabbing the Police Station map and studying it intently. "This'll come in handy." He crumbled the map and stuffed it into a pocket. Leon turned back to [Y/n], rummaging through the pockets of his pants. After a moment, he pulled out a cache of ammunition and extended it to [Y/n], who gratefully accepted. "Take this: I don't want to run out of bullets when things get dangerous." His voice was steady, with a calm strength resonating in his words. "Thanks. You being here makes me feel a lot safer," [Y/n] replied, their gratitude evident in her voice. As [Y/n] pocketed the ammunition, her eyes caught sight of a file lying on a nearby table. Curiosity tugged at her once again. [Y/n] couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as she glanced over at the file, her eyes scanning the fading ink that was scribbled across the pages.

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