Chapter 3: Father and sons visit.

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(The next day,Kiba is chatting with her father,and younger brother Senjuro,They both seem worried,Senjuro is more worried,he looks uneasy,Shinjuro(father) on the other hand seems to be relieved and worried at the same time)

Senjuro: "Are you sure you'll be comming home soon? Are you sure you'll be fine?.."

Kiba: "..Yes Senjuro...i'm sure..*Cough* *Cough*"

Shinjuro: "Don't worry Senjuro,she's gona be alright..i hope.."

Senjuro: "i don't want sister to die.." *Senjuro hugs Kiba,but she can't really hug him back..*

Kiba: "Don't worry Senjuro.." *She smiles softly*

Senjuro: "How am i supposed to not worry? You're barely able to move,and you can't even walk anymore!"

Kiba: "Just..calm down..alright..?*Cough* *Cough*"

Shinjuro: "Calm down Senjuro.."

Senjuro: "..but.." *He looks like he's about to cry*

Kiba: "Don't cry Senjuro.." *She smiles softly,its the only way to comfort him really,sience it hurts bad to move my hands.just to move my body anywhere..*

Shinjuro: "Come on Senjuro,we gotta go now.."

Senjuro: *Stops hugging kiba* "Bye,Kiba.."

Kiba: "..Bye Senjuro,bye father..stay safe.."

Shinjuro: "You too,goodbye.."

*Shinjuro and Senjuro leave the room*

Kiba: *Goes to sleep,still on the bed*

(This goes on for some time,my fam visiting,chatting with the kamaboko squad and getting all friendly[chatting] with Genya when everyone's asleep*

(2 days later,Kyojiro,Senjuro and Shinjuro visit)

Kyojiro: "So,how have ya been!?"

Senjuro: "Please..tell me you'll be allright.."

Shinjuro: "So,you alright there?"

Kiba: "Oh..*Coughs*..its getting..*Coughs*..hard to speak..*Coughs**Coughs*"

Kyojiro and Senjuro: "Oh no!"

Shinjuro: "Don't talk too much then.."

Kiba: "Right..*Coughs*.."

(We chat for a bit)


~Thank you for readingggg!!! <333333
~Give me ideas if you have any!!
~Have a great day<333

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