Chapter 4: Confession

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*Everything's normal for a few days,Kiba is chatting with some people,getting checkups by Shinobu,talking with the kamaboko squad*

*After a few more days,the disease/sickness is only getting worse,its getting harder to move,and talk for Kiba,yet she still likes to talk with other people,the kamaboko squad,especially Genya,and with her family,she gets regular checkups bu Shinobu,and everything's just to say this..not too bad??*

(TIMESKIP,at night..)

Genya: *Checks Kiba's pulse as always,and she wakes up*

Kiba: "Hi..Genya..*Coughs*"

Genya: "Hello.." *He's blushing a lot*

Kiba: "Uh.." *She's blushing,but not as much as Genya*

Genya: "So.." *He checks if everyone's asleep,they are* "I have a confession to make..."

Kiba: "Ehhh?? what is it..? *Coughs*"

Genya: "Well..uh..." 

Kiba: "..Take your..time..*Coughs*"

Genya: *To himself* "Damnit Genya..just say it its not that hard.."

Kiba: *Patiently waiting* " it..?*Coughs*"

Genya: " you.." *I turns away,hiding the blush on his face,but its evident that he's all red like a tomato*

Kiba: " you too...*Coughs*"

Genya: "..Oh..thats..i..uh.." *He's stuttering a lot,more than i am,he's also compleatly red*

Kiba: *Smiles* "..Don't tell my..father..*Coughs*..will ya..?*Coughs*"

Genya: "Oh..sure..heh.." *He's not stuttering as much now..*

Kuba: "..well...that's good..*Coughs*..i'm no longer..*Coughs*..a loner..heh*Coughs*"

Genya: "..Well that was..something.."

Kiba: "..Mhm..*Coughs*"

Genya: "So,sience we're technically official.." *He kisses Kiba on the cheek*

Kiba: "..Heh..yeah..*Coughs*..too bad i can't return it..*Coughs*"

Genya: "Yea..heh.."

Kiba: "..I'm going to sleep.." *Just like that..Kiba falls asleep out of the mere seconds..*

Genya: "Oh..that's..something.." *He goes back to his bed*

(The next morning,about 10 AM,the kamaboko squad is in rehab training(or what its called,Kiba waits in her bed patiently,humming a song)

Kiba: *Quiet humming*

Kiba: (To herself) "..I wonder when anyone's..*Coughs*..gonna come in..i hope its soon..*Coughs*"

*Suddenly,there's yelling in the halls near the sounds like someone's scared..or in pain?? That's werid..*

*Then..out of nowhere..*


*Then silence for a few seconds..just what the hell is going on?*

~𝓝𝓞𝓣𝓔:  ~
~Thank you for reading!
~I'm getting lazy.. D:
~I'm still gonna write more though.
~Give me ideas if you have any,either for this AU,another version of this AU,or just a compleatly different story! <3333
~Have a gread day!!

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