Chapter 5.5 : Demons(pt 2)

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| I also frogot to mention that Kiba is/has Marechi. The Marechi in Demon Slayer refers to the rare and special blood that some humans possess. The blood has a very strong effect on demons that can cause them to go into a frenzy, disrupt their senses, and sometimes even make them go insane! |

Kiba : * She keeps coughing,unable to move and breathe ... *

??? : " Pathetic." *The demon laughed,as it tightened its grasp on her neck,it seems to be breathing haevily though,and it looks like it's going insane because of the scent of Marechi*

Someone bursts into the room , both the demon and kiba turn their attention to the person , and turns ou that its.. 

Kiba: "..Genya..?" *She coughs*

Genya: *He quickly and swiftly grabs kiba away from the demon,putting her on the floor in the corner of the room,staring at the demon *

 The demon most certainly doesn't seem happy , infact , it looks like it's about to rip Genya's guts out... that's no good ..

Genya: *Takes out his gun , wich suprises both the demon and Kiba ... aren't demon slayers supposed to have katanas? It made Kiba confused and shocked , the demon on the other hand became excited ... *

??? : " A gun? How exciting ! Don't let me down! "

Genya: *He points the gun at the demon,shooting at it,wich the demon did not expect,it had close to no time to react and it barely dodged,getting shot in the sounlder instead pf the neck*

??? : "Marechi..i gotta.." *It's staring at Kiba now,it needs blood to regenerate quicker,and Marechi will make it stronger*

Kiba: "..Wh..what.." *She coughs*

Genya: "Oh hell no,you're gonna need to get through me first!"

???: *It growls,and pounces at Genya*

Genya: *Genya kicks it away,and shoots at it again,this time the demon dodges it and growls at Genya again,who's still infront of Kiba in the corner*

Kiba: *She coughs,looking terrefied,yet she can't even move her hands or legs,she can't even sit straight/properly*

???: *It pounces at Kiba and Genya,but Genya slashes its head off with his small,werid ass katana💀*

???: *It cusses out Genya and Kiba,as it disappears into dust*

Genya: *He turns to kiba* "You alright?"

Kiba: " Oh .. yeah .. " *She coughs,still looking all terrefied*

*Genya picks her up and sets her back on her bed*

| Note |

~I'm gonna take a break now,might make the next chapter in a few hours,please give me ideas in the comments<333
~Have a good day!!! :D

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