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I wake up to bright light shining into my room from the window. It's snowing, and it's the first snow of winter. I hear a knock on my door and tell them to come in. Sunghoon walks in my room and closes the door.

"Listen, I just wanted to apologize for how things went last night. I was a bit of an ass." He says, looking down at the floor in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry too. You stopped me from possibly doing something I might regret, so thanks." I say and he gives me the slightest smile, you can barely tell it's there.

"Merry Christmas, Ahra." Sunghoon says.

"Merry Christmas, Sunghoon." I say and he nods, about to walk out when he stops.

"The first snowfall, it's beautiful." He says.

"Yeah, I love the snow." I say and he shows me a real, actual, genuine smile. I give one back and he walks out.


I walk into the living room and see my parents sitting on the couch, snuggled up together making me feel happy.

"So guys, we should open these presents, like, now." I say and they chuckle at me, nodding in agreement.

"You should go first since you give the best gifts." My mom says to me. I smile and nod. I give my parents their gifts. I got my dad a vintage watch he's been wanting and a set of ties since he wears the same colored one. I got my mom a necklace with a butterfly because they are her favorite and a perfume that she's been sad she ran out of.

"Thank you Ahra! I love these gifts." My mom says, engulfing me and a tight hug that my father then joins in on.

"Thanks Ahra." My father says.

"I have one more gift to give." I say and they look confused. I turn around and walk up to Sunghoon.

"I know you've only been my bodyguard for a week, but you deserve a gift too." I say, handing him his gift. He accepts the gift, looking confused. He opens the gift to find cologne and whistle.

"The cologne is just something I thought you might like and the whistle is for if I'm doing something that will put me in danger, you can just blow the whistle and I'll stop." I say, causing my mom, father, and Sunghoon to burst into fits of laughter. I laugh with them until the laughter dies down and I see Sunghoon staring into my eyes.

"Thank you, Ahra. I love it." Sunghoon says, smiling at me. I give him a cute nod and then sit down.

"I wish I got you something but I didn't even think about it." Sunghoon says, sitting next to me.

"Don't worry, I got you a gift because I wanted to, not because I expected anything." I say and he nods.

"Now for your gifts!" My mom says, grabbing three boxes and placing them in front of me. I open the biggest gift to find a pile of books that I've been wanting to get. There are about 15+ books, some being series's and trilogies and others being single book stories. I look at my parents with a wide smile.

"Guys! You are awesome, thank you so much!" I say, practically tackling my parents and giving them a big hug.

"We got you some new books for your library." My father says and my cheeks start hurting from how much I'm smiling.

"Ok, next one!" My mom says, smiling with anticipation of me opening my next gift.

I open the gift and find a beautiful necklace with cherry blossom, my favorite flower. Looks like my mom and I both had the same idea for a gift.

"It's beautiful, thank you." I say and my father nods. So it was his doing?

"Put it on, let me see it on you." My father says, a slight smile present of his face. I unhook the necklace and am about to attempt to put it on when Sunghoon grabs my wrist.

"I'll do it." He says, and I let him grab the necklace and wrap it around my neck. I feel his fingers lightly graze my nape as he hooks the necklace. I feel goosebumps due to the contact and get a shiver down my spine. Gosh, this is weird cause it rarely happens.

"There, I'm done." He says, removing his hands from the back of my neck, breaking the contact.

"It looks gorgeous on you, my love." My father says, bringing my back to reality.

"Thank you dad." I say, feeling the necklace between my fingers. I then pick up the last gift, the smallest one. Once I unwrap it, I open the small box. I see two sets of house keys.

"Surprise!" My mom says, her smile brighter than ever.

"Your house is ready, darling. You can move in whenever you're ready." My father says and I just stare at the keys, wide eyed. I've been so excited to move into my house and now I finally can.

"Oh my gosh! I can finally move in. Thank you!" I say, smiling from ear to ear. I suddenly realize something, there are two sets of keys.

"Who is the second set for?" I ask and my mom lets out a sigh. Uh oh.

"After talking it out, your mother and I have decided that it's best if Sunghoon lives with you in your house." My father says and my eyes go wide again.

"Did you know about this Sunghoon?" I ask, looking up at him because even when we are both seated, he's taller than me.

"Yes, I agree with your father, it is the safest option." He says, almost looking at me as if he might regret what he says.

"Well, I guess it would be more convenient." Is all I say and they all nod.

We enjoyed the rest of the day by watching Christmas movies and baking, well mostly my mom and I did the baking. I will move into my house within the next two days so I'm excited for that. What I'm nervous about is living with Sunghoon. Even though we made up today, he will still be his nagging, overbearing self and I'll still hate it. I just hope nothing bad starts between us.

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