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Sunghoon's P.O.V

"You" Ahra says, her eyes staring down at me, mesmerizing me. Just one word and my heart rate speeds up and there's a dip in my stomach. Wait, what if she's just joking. I felt like she was flirting but, like, as a joke..? Ik some friends joke like that so maybe that's just how she jokes around. If so, that's not nice, she's messing with my emotions.

"Ahra, that's not funny." I say and Arah's smile drops. Yeah, she was definitely joking and I just ruined her fun.

"What?" She asks, honestly looking sort of hurt.

"Don't joke around like that, it's not funny. Now, tell me, for real. Aren't we friends, don't keep this a secret." I say, faking a smile and trying to lighten the mood. Ahra only looks more hurt. Ok wtf?

"It's no one." Is all Ahra says before she practically storms out of my room. Now I'm just confused. I get up and follow her to her room.

"Ahra, you ok?" I ask her, standing outside her door.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just need some alone time." She says with a slightly shaky voice. Is she crying? No, right. Either way, she clearly wants to be left alone.

Great, she likes someone who isn't me, I'm friend zoned (even though I know I did it to myself) and now she won't talk to me. Half of me knows that even I'm not good enough for her but the other half, who has been coming out a lot recently, wants Ahra all to myself, even though I can't have her. Maybe she got mad that I kept pushing her to tell me who it was. Whatever, I'll just go watch a show or something...


I'm sitting in the living room when I hear a knock at the door. I get up and open it to find Minji and Yeji outside. Minji, I can understand, but YEJI?!

"Yeji, what are you doing here?! Why are you here? H-how did you get here?" I ask but neither of the girls say anything. I let out a sigh.

"Minji, Ahra should be in her room." I say and Minji nods before going upstairs. I give Yeji a stern look. She just looks down and bursts into tears. Great, now I feel bad.

"Yeji, what happened?" I ask her but she just shakes her head as I bring her inside and close the door.

"I just really needed to talk to Ahra eonni about something so I asked mom if I could come and she said yes. Ahra just had her friend come pick me up since she was close by. I didn't want you to know but it's too late." Yeji says and I start to feel angry.

"Ahra!" I yell, startling Yeji accidentally. Ahra was already on her way down the stairs so she just rushed towards us.

"Yeji, are you ok?" Ahra asks, pulling Yeji into a hug, making some of the anger disappear.

"Ahra, why the hell did you not tell me? Huh? You can't just pick my sister up whenever you want, she's not your sister." I say and Ahra glares at me.

"Well, your mom said it was ok and she's here, safe, so I think there are more important things, Sunghoon. I'm sorry, ok, I should have at least spoken to you but Yeji didn't want you to know." Ahra says and I just let out a frustrated sigh. Yeji is still crying so I'll just let them talk.

"Fine, just go." I say, walking away. She should respect the fact that Yeji is my sister and she should have at least told me.

Ahra's P.O.V

"The guy is an ass and honestly, it sounds like you dodged a bullet." I say and Minji nods in agreement.

"Yeah, but he was so nice." Yeji says, crying. She just got dumped by her boyfriend for her friend.

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