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"Ahra!!!!!!! I missed you so much!!" Minji says, hugging me so tight to the point that I can't breathe.

"OK! Ok, Minji, I missed you too." I say, laughing a little when she finally lets go. I hear Sunghoon chuckle next to me, earning a glare.

"Sorry." He mumbles, a grin still plastered on his face.

"How have you been? I'm sorry I couldn't come over yesterday, there was an emergency at the company and I was stuck there all day. I also figured I'd give you time to cope and what not. But, seriously, are you doing ok?" Minji says and I smile, nodding my head.

"I'm doing better. Sunghoon has been keeping me company so I feel much better and way less paranoid." I say and her smile becomes a smirk.

"Aww, Sunghoon kept you company?" Minji asks, her eyes switching between Sunghoon and I. I roll my eyes, and Sunghoon avoids eye contact.

"Minji, enough. Come on, let's bring your stuff to the guest room." I say, grabbing Minji's bags and walking up the stairs. Minji is just chuckling the whole way up the stairs.

"Shut up!" I say, causing her to laugh harder.

"You are back to your old self." Minji says, and I hold back a smile.


"So yeah, I am very glad you forced me to run track in high school." I say, Minji nodding her head.

"Ah, so that's why you outran all of us. I was struggling to keep up with you." Sunghoon says and we all laugh.

"Yeah, I really wanted to but didn't want to do it alone so I begged Ahra to do it with me and she caved. You can basically say I saved your life." Minji says, causing Sunghoon and I to laugh.

"Thanks Minji." I say and she nods with a smile.

"You guys want to play UNO?" Sunghoon randomly asks and Minji's face lights up.

"YES!" Both Minji and I say at the same time. Sunghoon just laughs at our enthusiastic reactions to the mention of the game.

"Ok, let me go get the cards." He says, getting up and going upstairs. Sunghoon comes back with a deck of UNO cards.

"Ok, who is good at shuffling?" Sunghoon asks.

"Oh, Minji is really good at shuffling! She learned in the seventh grade and it's like her hidden talent." I say, smiling while I explain how awesome my best friend is.

"Ok, let me see it." Sunghoon says, handing Minji the deck of cards. Minji grabs the cards, splitting the pile into two and then shuffling them in a really cool looking way. She repeats the process a couple more times until the deck is well shuffled.

"Ok, seven each, right?" She asks and I nod.

Minji smiles as she gives her, Sunghoon, and I seven cards and places the rest of the deck in the middle of us. We all pick up our cards to see if we got good ones. I got like four '+2s' and a '+4', the rest are normal numbers. I put on a poker face to make it seem like my cards are average.

"Oh I'm so winning!" Sunghoon says, smiling brightly while looking back and forth from his cards to Minji and I.

He did not win.

"UNO, UNO, Out!" I scream, placing my last card down on the pile. I have a huge grin plastered across my face while Minji and Sunghoon look like they're gonna kill me.

"I hate you." Minji says, throwing her cards onto the table, and Sunghoon does the same.

"What? You're not gonna fight for second place?" I ask, looking innocent but deep down I know it'll piss them off.

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