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Vanessa ❦⋆⚛

Sammy pulled up into my 'not gonna be boyfriend anymore' driveway. I was getting nervous and freaking out. Everything I'm probably gonna say he won't understand, and I'll mostly stutter.

" um, Sammy please don't leave."

" I'm not. I'll be here waiting."

I leave the passenger seat and knock on the door. A shirtless Noah comes out. Yes that's his name.

" oh hey Vanessa." He says almost kissing me, but I tend to block him.

" um I wanna break up." I say nervously.

" what? Why? I thought you came here because you wanted to spend time with me. You came from a long trip just to break up apart?"

" no, it's just I've been thinking, I wanna have less responsibilities. And you're one of them. I wanna care about myself, I know it sounds really cocky and selfish but I come first. And I don't have for a boyfriend with is always not around. Sorry." I frown.

" Vanessa, please come on now. Everything is perfect between us."

" no Noah, it's not. You don't care about anything that's going on in my life! You don't know that my parents are not with me. My whole family is away from me! my grandma is in the hospital back home. But you don't realize any of that! All you care about is sex! you don't give a damn about me. I don't want a boyfriend who doesn't practically know anything about me. Forget about me, forget there was an us Noah. I cannot believe some stranger that I met a few hours ago knows more about me more than us and we've been dating for a long time. Goodbye."

I strut away as tears fall out of my eyes. I get in the car and sniffle.

" hey, Vanessa you alright there?" Sammy says rubbing my back as my face falls between my legs. I shook my head and lifted it back up.

" thanks Sammy."

" for what?"

" for making me realize he was never a boyfriend to me. And well for spending the whole day with me. And also for letting me borrow your sweater to cover my bloody stain."

" of course." He smiles and lifts my chin up. He lets a soft kiss fall on my cheek.

" you wanna go home now?"

" please, that would be wonderful."


arriving at my small house that I owned for a few months now was good.

" bye Vanessa, forever I think."

" don't say that. You can stay if you want? I don't mind."

" and do what?"

" watch my favorite tv show with me and comfort me. You're really good at that."

" oh Vanessa, I would if I could, but I can't. I made plans with a few friends of mine. Oh and Vanessa have a good flight back home and keep my sweatshirt, it can be a memory of me."

" Why does it seem like I'll never see you again? I really want to." A tear slips out of my eye. I don't even know why I'm feeling like this.

" hey, you can come by and visit."

" that's very unlikely. why can't you just go back home with me. Can I put you in my luggage and take you with me."

He chuckles and says " oh Vanessa, you're one special girl." He kisses my cheek again and tugs my hair in.

" goodbye."

" bye."

note - don't worry they'll see each other soon. (;

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