➻Chapter 52- My Sweet Fool.

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As I freshened up, slipping into my oversized hoodie and toweling off my damp hair, I was caught off guard when Tyler emerged from the adjacent washroom, causing me to freeze in my tracks.

Okay, breathe.

Inhale, exhale.

Tyler stood before me with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, his sculpted upper body on full display as he ran another towel through his damp hair, droplets of water tracing tantalizing paths down his skin.


Why did he always have to be so irresistibly attractive? Was there ever a moment when he wasn't? Like God. It felt utterly unfair, like the universe was playing a cruel joke on me.

As my gaze followed the meandering path of a single droplet of water down Tyler's skin, it came to rest on his wrist, where a soft smile involuntarily graced my lips. He didn't fail to wear the bracelet I gave him after showering and damn, the way that beautiful tattoo peeked over from the bracelet made my heart flutter inside, reminding that it was all about me, for me.

Gosh. Unreal.

"Could you wait until I get dressed?" Tyler's voice broke through my reverie, snapping my attention back to his face in an instant. I nodded quickly, relief flooding through me at the prospect of him covering up.

Yes, please cover up. I am losing my shit over here.

"Sounds good," I replied with a very slight smile and walked or must I say rushed straight out of the room, releasing the much needed breath that I was holding all the while as I shut the door behind me.

I swear, one of these days l'll actually die like this.

As Tyler emerged from the room, dressed and ready, we made our way downstairs to join the others for breakfast.

To my surprise, everyone was already up and bustling about, with Nicole in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

As Tyler and I descended the stairs, Bryan's gaze locked onto us from the dining table, causing him to pause mid-bite, and gulp slightly. Though his expression remained neutral, a hint of surprise flickered in his eyes upon seeing us together. And it wasn't just Bryan; my brother, too, tried to force a smile, but there was an unmistakable unease etched into his features.

Obviously they were surprised to see Tyler and I walk down together, from his room.

Tyler slid into the seat next to my brother, who seemed to be fixed on glaring at me. I stood there, offering an awkward smile, silently hoping for the moment when my brother would come to terms with the situation.

"Jake!" Nicole exclaimed, diverting my brother's attention away from me. I breathed a sigh of relief as my best friend stepped in to break the tension, knowing full well that she noticed the awkward space I was in, and immediately jumped in to help, "Didn't you like the pancakes I prepared? You didn't even say a thing about it. I am so disappointed." Nicole huffed.

"Uh, no, Nico, it's just..." Jake attempted to explain, but Nicole narrowed her eyes at him. "They were so good that I got lost in the taste."


"Is that so?" Nicole continued to scrutinize him, hands on her hips, causing Jake to grin sheepishly.

"Yes, absolutely. Your cooking is pure magic, Nico."

Good Lord. Could my brother get any cheesier?

"Alright, that's enough," Nicole said, her cheeks tinted pink as she turned away to resume her tasks. My brother let out a sigh that seemed almost like a sigh of relief.

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