Chapter One

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Standing over a hill of tall grass stood Soul'Taker, his wings folded as he looks over to jade academy in the distance. He was nervous as he stares at the mountain where he been invited to attend the academy, his heart pounds through his body as he wondered if he should head back home.

He shakes his head to himself as he pushed those incoming thoughts away, his mum said this was once in a lifetime opportunity while his father only grunted. He never understood why his father didn't like him or even bother to be around him much, his mother always cared yet his father never cared and didn't even bother speaking to him much.

Soul'taker sighed his head lowered and wings dropping..."Why won't father ever pay attention to me..? I don't understand what I'm doing wrong..." he thought to himself shaking his head a little as he closed his eyes listening to the wind, bugs, birds and tree branches that rustle their lives and sway in the wind. he lifts his head up again opening his eyes again before spreading his wings and jumping off the hill flying high into the sky catching a wind current.

He glides along in the sky flapping his wings evenly as he aimed to jade mountain in a calm but slightly anxious pace, "I wish I knew why father seems to hate me..." he thinks to himself slightly angry before it disappeared like a swift breeze once again back to that anxious feeling he's been getting a lot in the last month.

He shakes his head before flying down towards the courtyard of jade mountain, he lands at a relatively empty spot folding his wings and gripping his talons into the stone mixed with moss and some grass and watches as the crowd of dragonets and students walked around either heading into the mountain, to hunt or to just chat with friends.

"I can...totally do this, my mum says this would be good for me..." he thought to himself while the back of his head ticks with many worries and little fears, like making friends with the wrong dragon or possible judgement he could get. Though jade mountain is accepting hybrids now, and he should be fine once he understands the layout of the school and the timetable and where to hide-

He shook his head to himself a little, he needed to get over this already since he felt himself getting stared at for standing in the same spot after landing. He took a deep breath and walked forward following the crowd of new students up the stairs and into the entrance of the school, he looks around the giant cave in wonder watching some dragons fly in and land on upper cave ledges and into the hallways up there.

"Oh wow...this is big...." he muttered looking around curiously although he still had that feeling of dread and anxiousness, he looks to the front desk where he could see fatespeaker if he was correct and cricket handing out scrolls. He musters up the courage while keeping his wings close to his body and making sure they weren't drooping, he walks to the desk hoping this interaction would be swift.

"Oh hello there Soul'Taker!" Fatespeaker said cheerfully while waving to him, she had met him in the new nightwing kingdom where north had mentioned that she would love to see her son enter jade academy.

Cricket raised her head from some scrolls she was preparing turning her inquisitive head towards soul'taker who immediately felt more uncomfortable with the look cricket was giving him, was it judgement...? he was unsure and just nodded.

"It's just...soul fatespeaker..." he said dipping his head a little.

"that's an interesting name" cricket said tilting her head and arching a brow as she peered at him with her glasses while handing him a Map of Jade Academy, his timetable and winglet scroll as well.

"Uh-...well yes...mother named me that way..." he muttered taking the scrolls while fatespeaker gave him a bag to help hold scrolls, homework and few other things that students get when they come to school.

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