Chapter Three

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In Tsunamis office stood cactus's mother and the father of Sand'storm and Dust'storm was also there. "Cobra and Sting good to see you here" Tsunami said nodding to the two separate sandwing parents, soul'taker noted that Sting had more paler scales with that dusty fade at his talons.

And then there was Queen Bermuda...terrifying, dark stormy sea colour with a few scars on her neck and arms, she was terrifying due to her tall muscular size and cold expression. Standing beside her was her youngest daughter and if he was correct in who it was, her name was Betta, and she was very vain and selfish a lot of the time it was rumoured and prince Thalassophobia was also there too, looking bored as always.

"Bermuda..." tsunami said curtly, she clearly seems to not like Bermuda much though it's possible because Bermuda challenged coral for the throne and won and then auklet started living with tsunami and anemone went missing.

Soul'taker shivered as he glanced at Queen Bermuda again, he couldn't help but be reminded of his unnerving dream from last night.

Soul'taker then looks over to swamp'fog noting his sibs and an adult dark brown/red mudwing and A nightwing with more grey coloured scales with a black underbelly and yellow eyes while the mudwing had red eyes.

"Alligator and Swift'talons im glad you made it too when we sent a letter" tsunami the acknowledges the family.

Soul'taker looks over to lavender sitting beside Queen Anaconda who's head was flatter than most and large ruffs anaconda markings hence her name, on the otherside of her was a white dragonet with red eyes and slight red at the ends of their wings, ruff and talons. Maybe albino...? it was a rare gene though its possible there was a couple of albinos in every tribe so not too uncommon.

"Queen anaconda and Princess Gecko I'm glad you came" tsunami said bowing her head in a more respectful manner before turning her head to Soul'takers parents, north grinned a toothy grin although such kindness didn't reach her eyes while comet is just sitting down looking tired and anxious.

" must be North'star and Comet'watcher am I correct?" tsunami said after taking a couple of seconds to have a look at her list.

"Yes you are who is the fool that attacked my son? I would love a small chat~" north'star hissed with her tail curling up with the spikes rattling as she glares to the other dragons, soul'taker is worried as he watches the warning signs of his mother planning something.

"Now no need to start fights, what I gathered from other witness's is that cactus, dust'storm and sandstorm started the fight with Thalassophobia at first. And then they saw soul'taker jump off his ledge to fly to the hall when cactus suddenly attacks the prince and waves a tail in some sort of signal aimed at Soul'taker which caused Dust'storm and sandstorm to attack" tsunami explained.

"And Soul'taker was left to grapple with two sandwings bigger than himself and was clearly struggling until lavender intervened and attacked sandstorm leaving Soul'taker to fend for himself with Dust'storm without being ganged up on" she continues as she looked through her notes of witness statements.

"He got thrown to the ground on his back and was getting choked when Swamp'fog showed up and rammed into Dust'storm which threw him right into cactus who had pinned Thalassophobia before being knocked off when Dust'storm was thrown into him, before Swamp'fog flew up and grabbed sandstorm who nearly overpowered lavender and threw him right at his friends which tangled them up" tsunami then finally concluded as the parents listened.

Cobra seemed to not care that her sons been bullying other kids although she sent a death glare to soul'taker for fighting back, although this caught his mother's attention and she growled.

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