Chapter Two

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"What were you all thinking!? It's the first day and already picking fights!?" Tsunami roared at them in her office at the top of the mountain, Soul'Taker winced looking at his talons guiltily.

The nightwing who got the second buddy of cactus group was called Lavander, a dark purple nightwing with pale lavender-coloured eyes and also wears a necklace of lavenders that grew up in the rainforest as an orphan and been adopted by queen anaconda.

The two sandwings that attacked Soul'Taker when the fight broke out were called Sandstorm and Dust'Storm, and they both looked annoyed that they been caught, Sandstorm was pale yellow with two horn rings and earrings with a ripped up looking sail and angry black eyes, Dust'Storm had rings on his arms and tail and ears but not on his horns, he had the colour of sand but in the shadows in a dusty area with a smooth sail.

Thalassophobia seemed unbothered by what he did while Cactus looked angry at being caught as Tsunami keeps yelling at them.

The mudwing who was a mud/night hybrid called Swamp'Fog looked unphased, soul'taker could now see that the hybrid had dark grey scales on his back and wings and dark amber colours on his head and limbs and red eyes.

"This means I have to send letters to all your parents!" tsunami hissed as she placed her talons over her head in frustration, "for now go back to your dorms until I think up of a punishment for you all" she snapped before Swamp'Fog said something.

"well why don't you punish cactus, Sandstorm and Dust'Storm then? We bystanders got involved in the fight because Soul'taker here got ganged up on by the two and lavender jumped in to help someone who is related to her tribe, and I jumped in because I saw the harm that was about to happen" he said, and Tsunami sighed frustrated.

"Well, you are all involved either way, now get out of my sight" she growled pointing a talon to the door, soul'taker sighed and walked out with everyone else.

"I'm watching you Soul'Taker..." cactus hissed before walking off with sandstorm and dust'storm, "oh dear..." soul'taker said worriedly "I think I made an enemy...three enemies to be exact" he said worriedly.

"I will need to constantly stay with a crowd...I doubt cactus will try to mess with me in a crowd...although he did attack Prince Thalassophobia without a care..." he thinks to himself as he walks through the halls before he remembered that tsunami is sending a letter to everyone's parents involved with the incident.

He groaned to himself as he was not excited for when their parents come, swamp'fog seemed to notice his distressed state because he walked closer. "you know I think I am sharing a dorm with you if I remember my scroll correctly" he said possibly to take soul'takers mind off the future parent talk, and it did kind of work since soul'taker wasn't focusing on that anymore.

"Ooo I think I'm in the dorm with you guys as well!" lavender said bouncing over them grinning, soul'taker wondered in the back of his head how someone could be this happy.

They continue to walk through the halls lit up by torches to different levels when soul'taker remembered the pond full of seaweed and he looked to swamp'fog. "do you sleep in ponds?" he asked while shuffling his wings closer to himself as they past other students who seem to be second years.

"I prefer moss..." swamp'fog snorted as he looked to soul'taker, "and I like hammocks!" lavender chirped as she continued bouncing along. "my best guess is a seawing is also a clawmate, i heard the school puts hybrids with one similar tribe with eachother with explains a lot since I have nightwing blood, lavender is possibly a hybrid of a rainwings and nightwing and you're a nightwing and icewing so maybe a seawing and nightwing hybrid as well"

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