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Get out of my room, you fucking thot." Liya cursed, throwing a pillow at Jordan as she walked in.

Jordan caught the red pillow with both hands, throwing it back so it landed on the dark blue carpet on the floor.

"So I'm the bad guy for making your dream come true for a day?" Jordan defended herself.

Her sister paid no attention to her, carresing the thick fur of the golden retriever's belly while cuddling into it.

She was laid on her queen sized bed with red covers, and blue and red pillows, her upper body snuggled on top of Rusty, who kept his eyes closed.

Jordan sighed, running a hand through her short, neck length braided hair. During vacation she'd styled the afro into a cornrow. Of course being herself, she got bored of it, and asked Celia, her salonist, to plait her hair into braids instead.

"Our house is so stupid." Liya complained. "We can't have pets, what kind of rule is that?"

"They're doctors. They know what's in those things." she pointed at the dog on Liya's bed. "and I don't think they want it in them...or us."

This was an explanation Jordan herself got as a kid, except with alot more detail as to what inhibited a dog's fur and mouth. It was funny how similar both her and Liya were. They shared alot of common interests. They both liked dogs, clearly. And both of them shared a common dislike for some of their father's rules. But, unlike Jordan, Liya never rebelled. Jordan on the other hand, wouldn't do anything she didn't want to do. If she doesn't like the idea of it, then count her out.

That meant, when it was her turn to do the supper dishes, which wouldn't be done because the maids went home by then, they'd stack up on the sink until Lisa did them herself. Call her lazy, because all she had to do was load them into the dishwasher, and then unload them. Jordan believed that if her conscious took too long to do it, as in if she procrastinated, then her body and mind clearly weren't comfortable with the idea, hence it should be thrown out of her brain and should no longer be her problem.

"Mom let you in with it, though. Which means she doesn't mind." Liya spoke hopefully, getting up to give Jordan her full attention.

"Mom doesn't mind anything I do. You know that."

Another truth. Not to say Jordan could paint the house black and throw a party. But Lisa would let alot of things slide if Jordan had done them, contrary to if any of the other siblings had. This was because she lived by the principle that Jordan could've done worst. And that, she could've.

"It's not fair."

"It is."


Jordan silenced. Liya, without knowing it, represented herself in many ways, not just personality. She loved all her siblings, obviously. But Liya was different. Liya was her little mini me. Even as a little girl she'd copied everything Jordan did. She always wanted all the toys Jordan had, and wanted to go out with Jordan. It's not that Jordan loved Liya more, it's just that she knew that Liya adored her more than the rest of the kids. Well, Liya, Pal and Bianca. Pal was just annoying, and Bianca, she wasn't too sure of since she liked everyone.

Jordan turned around, closing the door behind her. And then she walked  further into the room, sitting on the bed next to Liya and the dog. She faced her sister, looking into the hazel orbs she'd inherited from her mother, now illuminated by blue Led lights. Jordan hated those things, and didn't get what the big stink about them was.

"Because, I'm the bad kid." She answered her previous question.

Liya frowned. "I don't get it."

Jordan detached their eyes, looking at a spot on Liyas blue carpet for a more detailed explanation.

TOUCHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora