VII. Kakorrhaphiophobia

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Kakorrhaphiophobia // (n

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Kakorrhaphiophobia // (n.) the fear of failure.
Published: 08/27/2023

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           In the depths of our hearts, a lingering fright, a fear that consumes us, both day and night. The dread of failure, a menacing threat, a weight on our shoulders, we can't forget.

           Oh, how it paralyzes, this fear so cruel, stealing our confidence, playing the fool. Whispers of doubt, they echo in our mind, telling us failure is all we will find.

          But let us not surrender to this fear's might, for within us lies a hidden spark of light. Embrace the challenge, let our spirits soar, in the face of failure, we will explore.

          For failure is not an end, but a chance, to rise from ashes, to learn and advance. From each stumble and fall, we grow ever strong, resilience and courage, where we belong.

          So let us defy this fear's iron grip, and with determination, our souls equip. For success is not measured by what we achieve, but by our will to persist and believe.

          Banish the fear, let it be overcome, with diligence and passion, our battles won. For failure is merely a part of the game, and with every setback, we'll rise, not tame.

          So fear not, dear soul, for failure is not doom, embrace it as a teacher, let it consume. With each step forward, we conquer the strife, and unveil the greatness within, the fear of failure, no longer rife.

 With each step forward, we conquer the strife, and unveil the greatness within, the fear of failure, no longer rife

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