Chapter 4

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Three months later ...

If someone told me that I was going to be working together with my father, I would never believe it, but that is exactly what is happening right now. Not as his subordinate but as his equal. We both brainstorm, make plans and roll the dice on our way. It hasn't been easy, especially because he is used to doing everything as he wants, however, whether he likes it or not, my ideas are more innovative.

Several companies linked to the Italian mafia suffered cyberattacks, the origin of which was unknown. I know that worried Vicenzo because he started looking for hackers to protect the computer data of those same companies, he just doesn't know that he hired one of our men. Of course, we had to create a front so no one to associate this man with the Russian mafia, but everything went as I planned and at the moment, we have access to the entire manufacturing process of the products, bank account details, suspicious transfers and irrefutable evidence part of those companies are just a front for money laundering. From one moment to the next, we can unleash chaos and the Italians won't even know who the enemy is.

- A good plan with perfect execution. Congratulations Miss Irina.

- Thank you, Sir Marshall - If these words came from anyone else, they would be just words, but he is my father's right-hand man and one of the most powerful men in the Russian army. I feel like I just won a Nobel Prize - Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to rest.

After dismissing myself I almost ran through the house to get to the bedroom. I miss my routine. I spent those months on a military base making sure everything ran smoothly and now all I want is to get back to enjoying a little bit of my normal life. I arrive at my room and find myself in a strange environment. On top of the bedside tables are candles that release a subtle but still pleasant scent, the light is dimmed but I can see red petals on the floor, as if they formed a trail that I would have to follow.

First I went to the closet and there I found a giant bouquet full of white roses, my favorites, and a photograph of the first trip I took with Yuri. I remember those streets of Berlin as if it were yesterday and the two of us looking like fools in love.

The trail goes through the bathroom and here I find the bathtub full of water and foam and a note "A relaxing bath for my future wife". I can't contain the smile. Without delay, I took off my clothes and got under the hot water, or he prepared this a very short time ago, or else he is a wizard who manages to warm the water whenever he wants.

It takes me about thirty minutes until I'm completely relaxed and ready to get out. I put on the robe previously placed in this room and return to the bedroom, where the author of this romantic gesture is. I hug him so tight I'm afraid I'm crushing him, but I can't help myself, I miss him so much.

- I love you - He looks at me with deep affection but I feel like he's hiding something - Is something wrong? 

- You are insightful, as ever - He kisses me on the forehead. I see him taking a small box out of his blazer pocket. I don't believe, I don't believe, I don't believe, I don't believe - Irina Victorya Petrov, will you marry me?

- YES, a thousand times yes - He gets up and he gives me a movie-worthy kiss and I'm the happiest woman in the world. I look carefully at the ring as he places it on my finger, it is a delicate silver piece accompanied by five bright sapphire stones that match Yuri's eyes. - I love you so fucking much.

It wasn't long before we were in bed and our clothes were gone. Just like the misses, the desire was also a lot. He was the only man in my life who could satisfy me, he knows how to do the job and he doesn't need too much ceremony. He puts his head between my legs and a wave of pleasure runs through my body, his tongue was focused on my clitoris, making circular movements that made me let out small moans. Without warning he put a finger in and bit the inside of my left thigh, I was certainly flushed as my body was oozing with heat.

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