Chapter 6

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- JUST FIVE MORE MINUTES - All that was left to do was put on the perfume, but I can't help but contemplate myself in the mirror. The dress fits perfectly and enhances my curves, the cleavage does not hide my breasts, on the contrary, it elegantly shows them. I chose to leave my hair down to highlight the contrast between my almost platinum blonde and the deep black of my outfit.

I'm ready to drop the mirror when Yuri's reflection suddenly appears.

- I have the most beautiful bride in the world - He approached to kiss me but I had to stop him before he smudged my makeup. He looks at me with puppy eyes and I allow him to kiss my collarbone - Be careful, I need you alive.

- I will be so alive, but you know that if I don't go now my father will kill me - He nods but before letting me go he bites my neck and I'm sure he's scarred my skin.

I go downstairs and see my brother near the door, my father is probably already outside, that is, if he is still waiting for me.

- We men are going to have a game night, aren't we Nik? - Nik nodded, without, however, taking his eyes off me. I say goodbye to both and soon after I get into the black limousine that was already parked outside the mansion. My nerves are on edge but I can't let them show, after all, I have a name to honor.

I had expected a quiet ride, but Boris was as chatty. He talked about business, weapons, horses, money, and new members and he dared to comment on my dress. I think it spoke to me more on this trip than he did in my entire life, but my patience has limits.

Half an hour later the driver informs us that we have arrived at our destination. Luckily this year's event was held in the capital of my country, but the next can be in Lisbon, Paris, or on the other side of the world.

The costs of organizing these meetings are borne by the house mafia and therefore good amounts of money came out of my father's pockets, but as always, money is not an issue. The building's entrance hall is extravagantly gilded. I believe I've been here when I was younger, but I don't remember the occasion. I look through the car window and see that there is no press around, just security guards. I breathe a sigh of relief because then I can get out of the car as I please, without having to force myself to pose. We were escorted to the elevator by five security guards, all Russian and all ready to give their lives for our protection. They deserve to be paid well.

- I hope we're not the last to arrive - Says my father.

- It's only been twenty minutes since the scheduled time, no one will be there - I huff - How many floors did you rent?

- Five - I was waiting for more explanations but if he doesn't want to give them I won't ask either.

We reach the top floor, the elevator doors open and I have the temptation to pinch myself. One of the employees, who seems to be a boss, came to us to arrange some last-minute details, meanwhile, I escaped to admire the magnificent hall. It has a central table where the meal will be held and then the meeting. On top of each place are cards with the names of the guests, so everyone knows where to sit. I immediately look for the name that has been on my mind these last few months and I smile when I see it in front of mine. Good job Boris, if you hadn't made my life difficult I would have congratulated you. He looks at me like he's read my thoughts but I don't give it away.

Large windows show the city lights and the nightlife that unfolds near them. I haven't finished inspecting when the first guests arrive. I go to my father's side, carefully observing his behavior towards each one and following his example. These are times of change, if before the European mafias were allies and formed an unbeatable power, but now there is fragmentation at an internal level and petty fights, which creates excellent opportunities for us.

One hour later here they are. The Germans, the Americans (who surprisingly didn't arrive too late), the Brazilians, the South Africans, the Poles and many others. I already have sweaty hands from greeting so much. There are not many of us, but each mafia brings a bunch of security guards and that's why it was necessary to define an equal maximum number for each mafia. The space was dominated by men, which was predictable but nonetheless saddening. The only woman present, besides me, is the wife of the French mobster. Everyone else is male, including the security guards. I saw some surprised looks when some of them noticed my presence, others even made a point of questioning my father and made jokes about the fact that it was my first time. I smiled and tried not to get mad but I've killed people for a lot less than that.

My bladder gave a sign that it needed to be emptied so I asked one of the employees where the bathroom was located, he directed me to the penultimate floor and so I started on my way to the stairs that led to the lower floor.

As I go down the stairs I realize that someone is going up them. He is tall. His shoulders are broad and he has two shirt buttons undone which reveal a small part of a tattoo. My gaze shifts higher to take in his facial features. Black hair, trimmed beard, and green eyes already looking at me. Our eyes locked for milliseconds but it was enough to make me feel devoured. He didn't say a single word but his aura was so intense and mysterious. As soon as we pass each other, I look at a glass near the banister of the stairs and see his reflection looking directly at me, smirking.

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