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"I wish we could stay like this forever."

Charles Leclerc whispered in content as he lay on his back on the deck of the yacht belonging to his love, his girlfriend Larissa, who was curled up in to his side and using one of her hands to draw small and gentle circles on to his bare chest.

He occasionally turned his head to press loving kisses to the top of her head where her dark hair was sprawled everywhere, or to her forehead and temples, not wanting to move too much and make her move away from him and out of his arms.

Her left leg was resting over his waist so the arm that wasn't wrapped around her waist instead was clutching her bare thigh, his thumb gently brushing against her skin which would often make goosebumps cover her tanned skin whilst they bathed in the beaming sunlight that was shining down on them.

"I mean, we could but we would have to leave Estie, Zahra and Pierre alone with Anthoine and I think that he would hunt us down and kill us. "

Larissa Kimi Cohen giggled quietly as she clung to her boyfriend, knowing that they were supposed to be meeting their best friends for lunch in less than an hour even though neither of them wanted to move from their current positions.

Anthoine loved his friends but he knew that without Larissa and Charles that he would lose his mind within a matter of seconds, since they were able to control them and keep them calm.

He swore that Zahra was a bad influence on the boys but he had to admit that he loved the Bailey woman as if she was his big sister, so he always let it slide.

"Anthoine would end up becoming like the FBI or something just to track us down for leaving him alone with the idiots." Charles laughed loudly which caused his love to laugh along with him, with the pair knowing just how true the statement was.

"Do we have enough time for a swim?"

The Cohen girl lifted her head to stare up at the chiseled face of her love, seeing him nod his head once, making her press her lips gently against his jaw which encited a small groan from the Monégasque before she scrambled up to her feet to run and jump in to the crystal blue water that surrounded them and her yacht.

The Leclerc boy followed suit almost instantly, the pair splashing in to the water in unison, the coolness of the water being heaven to their skin in comparison to the sweltering heat of the golden sun shining down on them from above.

Whilst the pair were still underneath the surface of the water, the Leclerc boy wrapped his arms around the waist of the love of his life, pulling her closer to him until they both broke the surface of the luminous water, both gulping down the oxygen that was immediately given to them.

The giggling duo couldn't help but splash each other with the crystal clear water, with each of them trying to swim away from the other to avoid being drenched once again, behaving like young children but they didn't mind.

They were together and that was all that mattered.

Nothing else mattered in the world, right now. Because they were together.


"Well this is a surprise, cabezón."

Tatiana Calderon smiled as she pulled open the front of her apartment to see her friend, Larissa Cohen, standing there patiently.

"Let me in, loca."

Larissa began to laugh as she noticed the eye roll that she was receiving from the Colombian woman, who moved out of the way of the door so that she could walk in to the apartment.

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