Mixed Feelings That Rodolfo is Feelings

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phillip and Rodolfo had just gotten information on Hassan and his mission plans and had to get back to the shadow company's plane as quickly as they could. Phillip was determined to make it back in time before Hassan's plans were set in motion.

the two of them were walking through the forest, the sun setting in the sky and casting long shadows behind trees. The silence were filled with the rustling of leaves and birdsong. As they made their way through the thick foliage, Phillip noticed a trip wire lying on the ground ahead. He quickly grabbed Rodolfo around the waist and pulled him back.

"be care there soldier," Phillip said in his thick western accent.

Rodolfo looked up at him in confusion, not understanding what was going on, then he noticed the trio wire. "Oh uh...thank you," he said, embarrassment creeping into his cheeks. He was grateful that Phillip had saved him from triggering an unknown trap.

phillip gave him a small smile and nodded, and they continued to walk towards the plane. After taking one last glance at the woods, they both scrambled onboard the plane and set off in time to stop Hassan's mission plans.

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