Loved By The Enemy

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Rodolfo had gone through a lot in the past few months. He had been betrayed by someone close to him and had to battle his way back. But he had kept his head held high and emerged from the rough patch a stronger person. Rodolfo was now training in the training area, slowly getting back in form and reclaiming his strength.

He hadn't noticed when Phillip, the captain of the Shadow Company, had snuck up behind him and whispered his hello. He was taken aback by the sudden gesture and looked over his shoulder with surprise. But instead of a sense of surprise, his face lit up with a joyous smile. Phillip had his arm around rodolfo's shoulders, insane in his mission to make sure Rodolfo knew that he was forgiven and welcomed back with open arms.

'Hey,' Rodolfo said happily, looking into Phillip's deep brown eyes. As they embraced, all the memories came back. Phillip had gone against him and convinced the other to treat him harshly, but months had gone by with them both changing for the better and forgetting their differences. He had even convinced Phillip to let the Los Vaqueros go, and Phillip was now out on a secret mission.

Rodolfo was thankful, for both the hug and the strange words that Phillip had for him. With their embrace, he felt that he had been accepted back once more. As they parted, he gazed into Phillip's eyes and smiled back.

'You're welcome here, you know,' Phillip said, his eyes sparkling with affection.

'Thanks,' Rodolfo said, a warmth radiating through him. The two men stared at each other for a few moments, understanding passing between them and without saying another word, Phillip walked away with a girgle of laughter.

Rodolfo watched him go, feeling a newfound strength inside him. The betrayal was now a faded memory, the hurt forgotten, and he couldn't be happier. He smiled to himself, filled with a renewed optimism for the future.

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