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Rodolfo and Phillip had been in Alejandro's office to inform him about their mission plans. All of them were eager to find out who had helped Hassan obtain the missiles; a task that was proving difficult given the lack of evidence they had to draw from. After Alejandro had dismissed them, the two of them walked out of the office together, Phillip asking Rodolfo if he was okay.

Rodolfo nodded, but his eyes were heavy with fear and irritation. He knew they had a difficult mission in front of them and it filled him with dread. After a beat of silence, he admitted that they might know who had helped Hassan. Phillip listened intently, but didn't press Rodolfo for more information.

the two of them headed towards the cafeteria in silence, Rodolfo's footsteps dragging Ali my with his thoughts. When they finally got there, Phillip sat down next to Rodolfo, their knees touching briefly. Rodolfo shifted away instinctively, but didn't say anything. He noticed the tension in the air but chose to ignore it in favor of talking about their mission.

phillip was just about to say something when a familiar voice called out from across the room. It was Alejandro, striding across the room, looking eager and determined. He had found a clue as to who might have helped Hassan, and he wanted the two of them to join him for a strategising session.

Rodolfo and Phillip followed him, leaving their conversation for another time. But the tension between them had not gone unnoticed.

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