Chapter 18

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JJ felt the urge to confront him right then and there, but he resisted. Maybe this would be more convinient for him and Mikey than it would be for this guy.

The more people, the easier it would be to find an exit. Splitting up would have to be the key, despite the danger, and JJ could still keep an eye on Mikey while having the others looking in different places. This could actually be a really good idea, actually.

"Come in, please? If they're fighting back, just overpower them. You're all equipped with the most superior armor, after all. Hello? Blaze? Rodrigo? Diego? At least give an update on your progress... please, you three are starting to worry me."

Something had happened.

"I think they were killed." JJ said, making sure to keep his voice down. "They had no chance with Bob on our team."

"That's so sad!" Mikey exclaimed, doing the opposite. "His friends died! We should go in and comfort him."

"Are you crazy?" JJ had to forcibly hold Mikey back. "If he finds out we were spying on him, the result won't be good. We have to pretend that we don't know anything."

"What's the point of that? I want to be nice, so I'll go inside." Mikey then knocked on the door. JJ felt the urge to run away before he was caught, but once again, he wasn't going to leave Mikey alone. So, he was forced to stay still.

It was silent for a few seconds, but then: "Come in."

Mikey went in first, and JJ reluctantly followed him. Unexpectedly, they didn't end up talking first.

"So, you and your teammates... do you kill often?"

The question sonded random at first, but JJ soon realized the context.

"Only when we need to." JJ responded firmly, slightly intimidated by how there was a serious tension building up. More silence.

He finally looked at the two. "Are you sure about that?"


He kept his eyes on them, clearly trying to hold in his emotions. Anger, it looked like. But before anything could be released, he turned back around and started repeating "I'm not a vengeful person" quietly to himself, over and over again. Finally, he turned back with a more contained expression.

"I apologize for any uncomfortability I may have caused with my adrupt question." He said, forcing a light smile. "But I must ask, what led you two up here? This is a very private room, you know."

"I'm sorry sir, we were just exploring-" Mikey began.

"Sir? Oh please, call me Captain Spike. Just Spike, if you will. Despite the title, I hardly enforce anything."

"Hardly enforce anything?" JJ couldn't help but oppose the saying, but not doing it out loud to avoid trouble. "Just moments ago, you were ordering your friends to kidnap everyone else on our team. Did you expect your friends not to get hurt?"

"Okay!" Mikey said, but JJ could tell there was still unresolved tension.

"Is there anything you need? Because if not, it would be greatly appreciated if I could have a short moment to myself. A certain incident just occured, and I need time to fully process it. I wouldn't want to snap at either of you, that would be both unfair and unpleasant."

"You're right..." Mikey admitted. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation from the other side of the door."

"That's alright. After all, I did say you go where ever you wanted. Do continue your exploration; there's lots to find here."

"Sure thing," Mikey said, and dragged JJ away. It wasn't really necessary, because he didn't resist. When they left, nothing was heard, but JJ didn't want to stick around to wait for something.

"I feel so bad for Spike!" Mikey said once they were safe distance away. "The team didn't have to kill them, you know. How could they?"

"It was probably self defense, Mikey." JJ pointed out. "His friends tried forcing them to come to a base that's miles away from the ancient tower. If I was able to, I would have fought back when they took us too."

"You would?" Mikey exclaimed, looking exaggeratingly horrified. JJ pretty much ignored him and kept walking. "This is why he's been kidnapped numerous times. He hardly ever resists anything."


Exploring didn't seem as appealing anymore, so JJ and Mikey ended up going back to the room full of cake. JJ constantly had to hold Mikey back, and it ended up becoming quite a task. This guy really wanted his cake.

Eventually, Mikey found a trick to getting out of JJ's armhold. He hid behind the cakes, and JJ chased him. Catching him would require climbing over them, and JJ was not in the mood to get covered in frosting chasing his obsessed partner. Suddenly, he came up with an idea.

"Gee, it sure is late," JJ said, making sure to be loud enough for Mikey to hear. "Since Mikey's too busy eating cake, I guess I'll have to sleep on my own tonight!"

"What?" Mikey said, it being muffled due to him hiding underneath layers of cake. A few of them went flying as Mikey revealed himself at last, and he tumbled over trying to get out. "Don't JJ, we always sleep together!"

"Looks like my trick worked." JJ said deviously. Before Mikey could run back, JJ grabbed him again and took him out of the room. Sleeping anywhere else was better than here; Mikey would lose his mind trying to resist food right in front of him. After finding a room with hardly anything in it except a few chests, JJ decided to sleep in here.

"Get in. Now." JJ said, and released Mikey inside. "And don't go back into that cake room, either. You've definitely had enough for today."

"Okay, okay..." Mikey gave in, and curled up against the wall. "I could fall asleep like this. Especially with you next to me."

"Well, that's good." JJ said, and placed himself right next to Mikey, and wrapped his arms around him. "Because I feel the same way."

Naturally, there were no lights in the room, making it easier to fall asleep. Especially knowing Mikey wasn't going anywhere, as long as JJ kept him close like this.

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