Chapter 22

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That night, it had gotten way cooler than it had been the previous night JJ and Mikey had escaped. Which was good, because that meant they could have a campfire, and finally be able to properly roast the meat they had previously collected.

But Mikey had gone to bed early. And without him there, listening to everyone's (mostly Mary's) ridiculous stories didn't feel as fun to JJ. Knowing that, he decided to go to bed as well. He'd already eaten, so there was no point in staying up late when he'd be spending the next day walking. If he was lucky, maybe he'd still be able to sleep with Mikey...

Because the truth was, JJ still felt horrible about what he'd said, and how he'd made Mikey feel. What he really wanted was an opprotunity to express his guilt again; because to him, he didn't feel as though his previous apology was enough. Inside one of the tents, he found Mikey, but he wasn't asleep. He kept tossing and turning.

"Hey, uh..." JJ said, not wanting to startle him. But it was inevidtable, and Mikey ended up flinching. But the moment he realized who was there, he sounded happy as ever, suprisingly. "Hi, JJ! Are you going to bed too?"

"Yeah. Should I go somewhere else...?"

"Huh? No, come sleep with me!"

He seemed to have already moved past it. But JJ hadn't, and he was glad that he still had the chance to sleep with Mikey, because in all honestly, he didn't feel as though he deserved to.

JJ only felt more compelled to spill his thoughts as Mikey happily cuddled with him. He didn't deserve Mikey. He really didn't.

"I..." In that moment, JJ couldn't find the words. Mikey noticed he sounded stressed, and paused his snuggling to see what was wrong. He always did that.

Another reason JJ didn't deserve him.

"I still feel really bad about what I said..." JJ finally said, as Mikey listened intently. "Listen, I'm a horrible person, and in all honesty, you deserve someone much better than me-"

"JJ... there's no one I'd rather be with than you." Mikey carefully interrupted, before JJ could start an entire self-hate rant. "You're the only person who genuinely cares about me. And, you recognized how you were wrong, and apologized for it. Horrible people don't do that, you know... you're being too hard on yourself. Come here."

Mikey started snuggling him again, but this time with the intension to make him feel better. While it worked a little bit, JJ still had a hard time relaxing. He still felt horribly bad.

"Is... is there anything I can do to make it up to you? I feel like I should do something, but I don't know what..."

"Oh JJ, you really don't need to," Mikey said, but he seemed to be thinking about it. "But, if you want to... I have a little idea."

JJ asked what it was, and Mikey whispered it in his ear.

"Oh-" JJ was caught off guard by the request, but he couldn't find it in him to say no. After all, this was Mikey he was talking about.

And, it would indeed be interesting to see Mikey being a top during sex.

JJ agreed to it, and Mikey also added that he had a few... kinks he wanted to try as well. Usually JJ wouldn't go down that path, but if that's what Mikey wanted, then that's what he would get. He'd do anything to make Mikey happy at this point.

Mikey went to go get something from the main chest, which was weird because it had nothing but leads/ropes in it intended for the animals. But JJ decided to not to question it when Mikey came back and finally started their session, going into it with great passion because of the excitment he had of finally being a top. JJ wouldn't lie; it made him feel a lot better kissing and being this involved with Mikey again. He was glad he'd even gotten an opprotunity to do this again since he'd started their journey to the ancient tower, and he was even more glad that he could make up for what he'd done by letting Mikey completely dominate him. JJ didn't know what was in store, but he wouldn't complain...

After a couple minutes, Mikey broke thier kiss and got out what he'd been saving; one of the ropes from the chest. JJ was confused at first, but he started to understand as Mikey took them and tied one end to one of his wrists, and the other to the edge of the bed. He did this with his other wrist, and both of his feet.

"And he said a few kinks... I wonder what else will happen." JJ, as much as he usually disfavored kinks, didn't really mind when it was Mikey preforming them. But suprisingly, Mikey got out some spider silk and used it to cover JJ's mouth. He was fully restrained now.

For a moment, Mikey spent time simply looking at how much JJ was under his control. It practically made him giddy.

"Look at you, completely at my mercy~" Mikey said, barely holding back a giggle. JJ couldn't respond due to the silk, which slightly dissatisfied him, but as he'd said before, he wouldn't complain. Tonight, he'd let Mikey do whatever he wanted to him. JJ would have said that too, but him hardly resisting already sent the message. Mikey suddenly pressed his body onto JJ's, and it made him horny as he felt his forming boner having pressure on it.

"There's only one rule to what I'm about to do: You can't cum until I say. Alright?" Mikey asked, deliberetely rubbing against JJ's crotch to make him hornier. JJ nodded, knowing Mikey was going to make this as hard as possible. And what would happen if he broke his rule, he didn't know...

"Good, you're so obedient... let's see if you can stay that way~" Mikey said, and started stroking JJ's boner to make it more visible. Once done, Mikey suddenly started thrusting on it. JJ was suprised at first, but quickly tried gaining his composture and focusing. As good as Mikey was, JJ's resistance to giving in was stronger. But then again, the longest he'd lasted last time was pitfully short... after all, Mikey was very good at pleasuring him. And now, that would be his greatest weakness.

On top of everything, JJ had to listen to Mikey's consistent moans. That only added to him to drawing closer and closer to releasing, and eventually, JJ completely forgot about Mikey's rule, and just let his own desires take over. It felt good to finally give in, but he instantly regretted it when he saw Mikey's reaction.

"I said only to cum when I told you to." He growled, genuinely intimidating JJ. For a minute, he was actually worried about what would happen next, but he didn't have to wonder no more as Mikey suddenly turned around and sat right on him.

"You like cumming so much? Then make me cum, right now." Mikey ordered, and JJ set aside his suprise and instantly started eating him out. Mikey was taken aback by how skilled he was, and lost his dominant attitide right then and there. He became a moaning mess, and he came in just a few minutes; as per usual. Afterwards, he got off of JJ, and he had to sit there helpless with a cum-soaked face.

But thankfully, Mikey untied the ropes on him and removed the silk from his mouth right after. JJ was pleasantly suprised that that was all he had in store, and started feeling devious as he watched Mikey casually lay back down to go to sleep. But the moment he layed next to JJ, he took him and pinned him down to the bed.

"JJ-" Mikey began, but quickly started getting horny again as JJ kept him underneath him.

"Now that you're done, it's my turn..." JJ growled, excited to be able to get his revenge. And Mikey would let himself be dominated, because he'd had enough of being the opposite for one night...

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