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I wake up and startle gasping. Everything around me is dark and I feel like I'm alone. I look around in all directions, but everywhere is nothing but black. Suddenly the room I'm in shakes violently and I scream. Then I feel the room hurtling upwards with incredible speed. The queasy feeling in my stomach turns into blind panic and I can't even scream anymore. A blue light flashes, just bright enough for me to see that I appear to be in a cage-like elevator. I get up unsteadily and despite the great speed which the elevator keeps racing upwards, I try to stop and stare through the lattice on the ceiling, gasping and frightened, up into the dark elevator shaft. Again the blue light flashes briefly, this time with a mixture of red light and I see in panic that the elevator is speeding towards the ceiling of the elevator shaft without braking.

I scream and fall, tumbling, without taking my eyes off the ceiling. The elevator stops abruptly, just in time, otherwise it would have hit the ceiling at full speed. When the elevator brakes hard, I lift off the ground briefly and then crash back down onto the grate. It's completely dark in the elevator again. Panting in panic, I crawl into a corner of the elevator and crouch there. I sit like this for a long time. In the darkness I lose all sense of time. It's impossible to tell if I was just sitting there in the corner for a few minutes or for many hours when suddenly a heavy Metal hatch on top of elevator shaft opens.

Incredibly bright light pours in and I close my eyes and avert my face. Even so, I can still see the bright afterimage of the hatch on the inside of my eyelids. I hear a crunch of metal and assume that the roof of the elevator itself has now been opened, but I don't dare look into the light just yet. I hear many people's voices and then a thump, the clatter of the elevator's mesh walls and feel the elevator give a springy jerk as someone jumps down into the elevator toward me. Now I turn my face back to what is happening and open my eyes, blinking. I can vaguely make out the outline of a person against the bright background and wait for my eyes to adjust to the light.

Then I suddenly see a large group of boys gathered around the elevator opening, leaning forward curiously to peer into the elevator. I gasp, startled, and scoot backwards until my back hits the metal grate. "It's a girl!" I hear a boy's voice yell, and then the other boys' whispers. The exclamation had come from the boy standing in the middle of the elevator, staring wide-eyed at me. I hadn't even noticed him before, but now I examine him more closely. He's probably 16 or 17 years old and dressed really weird. His pants were just above the ankles and were scuffed. He was also wearing a wide, dirty shirt that was probably white at one time and a kind of wide leather belt was fastened around his upper body, to which a long bamboo pole was attached at the back, the ends of which protruded at his right hip and over his left shoulder. He also carried an ancient-looking leather bag, the strap of which crossed the bamboo pole's leather belt.A few strands of leather were wrapped around his left wrist and a machete of sorts was attached to his belt, which held the tattered trousers. He looks kind of combative. Although he is also very tall, he is not particularly strongly built, but rather lanky.

Only now do I take a closer look at his face. He has blonde hair and incredibly dark eyes. He's not particularly handsome, but I think he's very handsome. "Who are you?" I hiss at him. It's probably better not to be too friendly for now. I have no idea if I can trust him. "My name is Newt," the boy replies, holding out his hand to help me up. I ignore it. "We don't want to harm you. Really. We know how you feel. We've all been through this too. You can trust us." He holds out his hand again and I eye him suspiciously for a moment. Newt gives me an encouraging smile and I give in with a sigh. "I guess I have no other choice," I say, offering my hand to Newt, who pulled me up with no apparent effort. "Indeed," he replies seriously. He stares at me for a moment, which makes me very uncomfortable, but I don't want to flinch, instead I stop and meet his gaze.

Curious, Newt tilts his head and asks, "What's your name?" Suddenly my whole body tenses and I stand there, frozen, staring at Newt without really noticing him. I didn't remember anything from my past, I became aware with a start. Nothing at all. Except my name. Where I came from, who my parents are, my last name. Nothing."You okay?" Newt asks worriedly, bringing me back to the present. My gaze refocuses on Newt and I reply, "Y/n." Newt frowns. "Can you tell us anything else about yourself?" I slowly shake my head, stunned. Newt sighs and the boys on the edge of the hatch murmur things to each other. Newt waves his arm at one of the boys, who is lowering a thick rope with a loop at the end. "Come here," Newt says, waving at me with outstretched arm while holding onto the rope with his other hand and stepping into the loop with his right foot. I hesitate briefly and then approach him. "Hold on tight," Newt tells me, wrapping his free arm tightly around my waist. I guess what he's up to and put my foot in the loop and hold on to the rope. I'm kinda uncomfortable being close to Newt, but I still put my arm around his torso and press against him as the boys pull on the rope from upstairs and pull us out of the elevator, little by little.

Arriving at the top, many hands are held out to me to help me out of the shaft. I grab one and let her pull me up. Newt and I let go and he climbs out over the ledge too. I'm surrounded by boys who all appear to be between the ages of 15 and 19 and I don't particularly politely thank the boy who helped me up (not that I'm a rude person, but I still don't trust those boys). He is very tall and stocky and looks anything but handsome and friendly (unlike Newt). "My name is Gally," says the boy, grinning. However, it was more of a sneer than a friendly grin."Hey." I say dismissively and want to turn away from him, but he grabs my arm and spins me around to face him. "Not so rude," he says, still grinning. "Would you like to go for a walk?" The way he says that is beyond disturbing and besides I can't believe he dares to ask such a thing when I've only just arrived. "No thanks," I say rudely, freeing my arms from his grip. I turn to see the other boys watching with amusement. Gally doesn't seem to be very popular (which doesn't surprise me either).

My eyes meet those of Newt, who is standing with his arms crossed in front of his chest and grinning at me in amusement. I can't suppress a grin anymore, no matter how uncomfortable the situation seems to be for me. But then I see a tall, strong-looking, dark-skinned boy making his way through the crowd and coming toward me. I notice that the others make room for him without complaining. When the boy comes up to me, he stands with his arms crossed and looks at me. "I'm Alby," he says after a while, shaking my hand. I shake them, this time without hesitation. "I'm the leader here." He says that without boasting, and I'm not surprised. Alby really comes across as an authority figure. "Welcome to the clearing," Alby continues, leading me out of the crowd by the arm. I see Newt following us out of the corner of my eye and I suddenly realize that everyone here is male. But I'll save that question for later.When I see where I am , my mouth drops open. We are in the middle of a huge meadow. In the distance I can see a forest and some very unstable looking wooden huts. But the craziest thing is that everything is surrounded by huge stone walls. I can see that there was a huge gate on all four sides of the "clearing" leading outside. Probably a gate in each direction, I suppose. From a distance I can't see what's behind the gates. It just looks dark. "Where am I?" I ask no one in particular. Alby replies, "There are a lot of things to explain. I just had an important meeting with Minho before you showed up with the box, newbie. Newt will explain everything to you though." And then he walks off to one of the crumbling buildings not far away, leaving me with a bunch of boys and countless questions. I slowly turn to Newt and the other boys. Everyone stares at me. I have no idea what to do now and look to Newt for help. I get that too. "Come with me, I'll explain everything to you," he says, coming towards me, putting a hand on my back and pushing me in the direction of the forest, which covers a large part of one half of the clearing.

Hello, english is my second language
so excuse some spelling mistakes

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