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The next morning, Newt tries to get up as quietly as possible, but since I'm still in his arms, I wake up anyway. I yawn I can hardly feel any of the pain from last night. "Oh I am sorry. I was trying not to wake you up.” Newt says apologetically. "It's okay. I don't always want to oversleep the whole day either.” I say with a grin. Newt smiles and helps me up. "I know I said I want to stay with you from now on. But I need to talk to Alby and talk to him about Gally's punishment. It's currently under construction, so you should be able to make it to breakfast on your own without being attacked. And Minho is still there too.” Newt explains and I grin. "Yes, I think I can do that." Then I gather all my courage, stand on tiptoe and give Newt a quick kiss on the cheek. Then I leave the hut quickly and go to Fry pan.

I meet Minho halfway there and we walk the rest of the way together. "What's going on?" I ask immediately, because Minho frowns and looks concerned. “Scott, one of the runners, didn't make it back in time before the gates closed yesterday. No idea why. He was out there all night and he's 100% dead. Now we're one runner short and can't run all the sections in the day. And nobody wants to take the job.” Luckily I didn't know this Scott. "I'd do it," I blurt out immediately. "You can forget about that now. You've only been here three days,” Minho says in a tone that makes it clear he doesn't want to argue. But I won't give up that easily. "So what? It doesn't matter how long I've been here. I can run really fast.” “I said forget it!” Minho snaps at me.He seems to be in a really bad mood and I decide to postpone the discussion until later. "Okay..." I just say. Minho looks at me. "I know that you're not going to give up that easily, but this is really too dangerous. Besides, Newt would rip my head off." "So? It doesn't matter what Newt thinks. Besides, he could never rip your head off. You're a lot stronger than him.” Sliming can't do any harm here. Unfortunately it doesn't help either. "You know exactly what I mean. And besides, it matters what Newt thinks. He's the most important man here after Alby.” I sigh and give in. We get something to eat from Fry pan and sit down by the tree trunks. Only now do I realize how hungry I am. I remember that I didn't have any dinner the night before and I dig into my oatmeal. “The newbie is really hungry!” laughs Minho. "Shut up!" I snap at him with my mouth full, but I have to grin. When I'm almost done eating, Newt joins us. He gives me a look I can't read and I blush at the thought that I kissed his cheek earlier. "And? What are you going to do with the stalk now?” Minho asks darkly. Newt sits on the floor in front of us. "Gally's staying three nights on bread and water," he then replies. Minho frowns at you: "Only? He clearly broke one of our rules, after all.” “I know,” Newt replies. "But it was an accident. Of course, I realize that Gally intended to hit me, but that's not the plan. Also, Gally has sincerely apologized and vowed nothing like this will ever happen again.” “Who believes it,” murmurs Minho. "We have no choice but to trust him and he didn't seriously hurt Y/n. That's why there isn't already a ban."

I don't ask what a ban is because it seems like the wrong moment and it's pretty much self-explanatory. Me and Newt spend the rest of the day helping out where we can. Feeding the pigs, fetching manure, harvesting vegetables, patching holes in the roofs, you name it. At the end of the day, I collapse exhausted into Newt's makeshift bed. "I'd rather be a damn runner!" I say, staring at the ceiling but appealing to Newt. Newt puts down his Machete and sits next to me. "Well. That's part of it.” I just groaned in annoyance. After a while Newt says, "I can talk to Minho sometime. They're looking for new runners anyway.” I sit up abruptly and stare enthusiastically at Newt. "Would you do that?" Newt just shrugs, but smiles at my bright reaction. "Sure, why not?" I gape at him. "I thought you were totally against me becoming a runner!" But I told you the night before last that you can become a runner. Besides, it was pretty brave of you to throw yourself between me and Gally yesterday,” Newt replies. I laugh. "Y/n the superhero!" I exclaim, waving my hand as if it were a vision of the future. Newt laughs and lies down. I turn to him, grinning. Smiling, Newt tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and I hold my breath in surprise. Suddenly Newt's gaze changes and seems somehow dreamy. He strokes my cheek with the back of his hand. But then his gaze clears again and he pauses for a moment. Then he turns around abruptly and has his back to me. I frown. What's that about? I just stare at Newt's back in confusion for a moment, then turn away, hurt. I hear the ceiling rustle as Newt turns back to me. That doesn't do much to clear up my confusion, but I hold my ground and don't turn to Newt again. After a while I hear Newt sigh and then turn away again.

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