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⚠️Newt, Minho and Alby make it out of the maze. But Robert gets the medicine too late. Newt closes himself off from everyone and doesn't talk to anyone "Newt, come on now. "You can't sit here forever!" Alby shouts, but Newt ignores him. He just sits there with his back against the wall of the hut and his eyes fixed on his hands. He hasn't done anything else for two days. He hasn't even eaten, although hunger gnaws at him like an animal. But Newt ignores it. Just like he ignores everything else. But Alby's patience is running out. He kneels in front of Newt and gives him a hard slap. "You haven't eaten in two days, Newt! You're coming with me now!" Newt doesn't react. Alby hits him again. "It's okay..." he finally murmurs and gets up. "It's fine," Alby grumbles and leaves the hut. Newt follows him, staring and expressionless. He looks like a zombie. He follows Alby across the clearing. They walk past one of the gates. Newt stops. He stares into the labyrinth and thinks. Hesitates. Alby stops. "What's wrong?" Newt doesn't answer. Y/n is no longer there. There is nothing that still binds him to this cruel life. Nothing. Newt runs off. Alby calls his name and follows him. Newt runs into the maze. Down the hallway and around the corner. Then he grabs the ivy on the wall and climbs up it. Climbs and climbs. Alby catches up with him. "Newt! What the hell are you doing, you idiot?" Newt doesn't hear him. He just keeps climbing, ignoring Alby's calls. He stops halfway up the wall and looks down. Forty meters, he would estimate. That should be enough. Newt takes a deep breath and his last thought is from Y/n as he throws himself off the wall. ⚠️

🖤🖤🖤🖤The End🖤🖤🖤🖤

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