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I wake up the next morning and immediately feel that Newt is still there. I hope he's still asleep and I can get out of the cabin without him noticing me. But I guess I was unlucky there. "Are you awake?" I hear Newt ask. For a moment I consider whether I should pretend I'm still asleep. But then I turn to him with a sigh. Newt looks at me worriedly. "You're mad, aren't you?" he asks me. "A little.", I just say and sit up. I'm about to get up when Newt grabs my arm and looks at me intently. "Listen to me for a moment, please." Newt looks at me expectantly until I finally nod. He then continues, "I was just afraid of being too pushy, okay? I didn't want to be like Gally. It's not you. Do you understand that?” Newt still doesn't let go of my arm. His words soothe me, but I just can't get over my pride and I still just look at him with boredom. "Yes, I got it. May I go now?” Newt frowns. But he still won't let me go. "I don't think you understood me." I sigh. "Listen. You'll never be anywhere near as bad as Gally no matter what you do, okay?” I say. Newt nods, looks at me for a moment and finally lets go. I get up immediately, grab my machete, put it in my belt like I do every morning and leave the hut. Then I get my breakfast and sit down by a tree in a small grove.

But I won't be alone for long. I hear footsteps and expect Newt to show up to apologize or something, but I'm wrong. "Alby?" I say, puzzled. Alby sits next to me. "I need to talk to you." It sounds serious. "Because of Gally?" I ask. "Because of Newt," Alby replies.I look at Alby confused. "What about him?" Alby plays with a leaf in his hand and tears it into small pieces. "Do you love him?" Alby replies with a counter-question. It's so direct that I choke and cough so hard that Alby has to slap me on the back. "Why do you want to know that?" I ask when I can breathe again. "Because I just want to know." Alby just says. It's the first time I've really seriously thought about this question, and I realize that it really is. i love newt I've loved him since the first second I've known him. "Yes," I answer simply because you don't have to say anything about it. Alby nods and picks up a new piece of paper because he's already completely shredded the first one. "Good," he finally says. "You should tell him that." I stare at Alby in horror. "Yeah,you're completely insane, aren't you?" Alby looks directly at me for the first time since he's been here. "Listen to me. No matter what you think, I know one thing: Newt loves you. And it's killing him that he doesn't know how he feels about you, okay? I've never seen Newt like this before. He's totally changed since you showed up.” There's a hundred things I'd like to say to Alby right now, but what comes out is, “Do you guys talk about that in your weird reviews?” And to my surprise, Alby laughs. "No, we don't. Every Strunk can see what's going on with him.' he answers when he's recovered. "I'm sure you're wrong, Alby. Why would Newt love me?” I ask, frowning. "That's a good question, but I'm definitely not wrong." Alby grins.But suddenly he becomes serious again. "It is exactly as I said. Newt totally messes things up. Otherwise he's never like that. Just talk to him. You have nothing to lose. Also, the whole thing is taking Newt's work off and we can't afford that.” I'm really desperate now. Of course, that would be wonderful if Alby is right, but I have no idea how to go about it for the life of me. "And what should I tell him? And how?” “Just tell him the truth. Now. And then you go to Minho and tell him that Newt and I allowed you to go to the maze with him tomorrow. Minho will then tell us if you are suitable as a runner.” I beam at Alby. "Thank you so much!" "But only if you've spoken to Newt beforehand. Go to him right now.” I groan and bury my face in my hands. How does Alby imagine that? Alby stands up and I look up. "Newt's still at your cabin, I think." Alby says, brushing the dirt off his pants. Just as he is about to leave, I call out, "Alby!" Alby turns to me and looks at me questioningly. "Thank you." I say and smile. Alby smiles back and then leaves.

I sit there for a while, then bring back the plate and go to Newt's cabin, although I'd rather be anywhere else right now. Newt comes out of the cabin and stops when he sees me. Now I can only hope Alby wasn't wrong. "Let's go for a walk," I say. Newt looks confused and taken aback, but nods with a friendly smile. We walk side by side in silence deeper into the forest. When we arrive at an old, pretty tree, we sit down at its trunk - still without saying a word. "What's going on?" Newt asks after a while.I take a deep breath. "I wanted to tell you something." "Did I do something wrong?" Newt asks concerned. "No, no, it's not that." I avoid Newt's gaze. But since I still can't get any sound out, we just sit in silence for ages again. Newt waits patiently. Finally I sigh. "I don't know how to say it." And knowing I won't be able to get anything else out, I brace myself for my contingency plan. "I like you, Newt, you know? I can't remember my life before the Labyrinth, but I'm pretty sure I love you more than any other person I've ever known. And it's probably more than friendship.” And then I jump up and sprint through the forest at a speed I never thought I could do. I run and run until I get to the runners' chart room. Luckily Minho is not in the maze today and is taking a break in front of the hut. I run straight towards him. "What are you running for?" he asks me confused as I skid to a stop in front of him. "Endurance training," I reply. Minho looks at me skeptically, but says nothing. "Alby and Newt allowed you to take me to the maze tomorrow," I continue quickly before he can change his mind and ask more specific questions. This seems to surprise Minho. “Since when do they decide who will be the runner? But I should be fine. You'd be a great runner the way you just ran.” I grin. "I doubt that I can keep up the pace for long." "That can be worked on," Minho says simply and gestures for me to sit down next to him. "But just because I'm taking you tomorrow doesn't mean you're a runner. That's just an exception.” “Sure thing.” I say quickly.I'm already excited to get into the maze. Minho spends the rest of the morning explaining everything I need to know about going into the maze. I'm not allowed in the map room yet, but it's still very interesting.

When it's time for lunch, I nervously follow Minho to the skillet. Luckily, Newt isn't in sight. But Alby. He approaches me immediately. "Have you spoken to him?" he asks bluntly. "Yes, I did." Alby frowns. "Then why isn't he there and you're not in each other's arms?" I feel myself blushing and look down. "I ran away," I say quietly. When I look up, Alby has his face covered with his hand. "Typical." He sighs and puts his hand down. "Well, what the heck. You can't avoid him forever.” And unfortunately, he's right about that. Alby disappears again and Minho immediately grabs my arm and pulls me aside. "What was that just now?" I tear myself away from him. "Let's get something to eat first. Then I'll tell you everything.” Minho nods and a few minutes later we're sitting in front of the chart room, each with a bowl of stew in hand. I tell Minho about the conversation I had with Alby outside the chart room, knowing I can't hide anything from him anyway. After that, Minho says: "It's good that Alby spoke to you. You know, I've noticed all that too. Everyone has. And when you finally officially announce that you're dating, maybe Gally will leave you alone too.” I'm not saying. I don't understand why everyone is so sure that Newt even wants to be with me. After dinner, Minho tries to persuade me to go find Newt.But after a while he finally gives up and agrees to take me back to the map room so I don't run into Newt. Of course, I'm aware that I'll be meeting Newt at our cabin by tonight at the latest, but I'm just trying to delay things for as long as possible. Also, I'd rather Newt and I work this out privately than in front of the lights. For the same reason, I skip dinner and go to Newt's and my cabin. I'm hoping maybe I can pretend to be asleep and then Newt will leave me alone when he gets back from dinner. But luck is of course not on my side again. When I enter the cabin, Newt is sitting leaning against the wall, knees drawn up, arms resting on them, staring at the opposite wall with a fixed gaze. I think for a moment if maybe he didn't notice me and if I should just run away. But then Newt is already turning to the door and when he sees that it's me, his gaze changes. I don't know exactly what it is, but he looks kind of sad. I wonder for the hundredth time why everyone thinks Newt loves me. Apparently I make him rather sad. Newt and I just stare at each other for a moment, then I say, "If you want to be alone, I can leave." "No, no, it's okay!" Newt says quickly. It was worth a try. I go and sit next to Newt - but with enough distance. I can feel my face being red all over again.Newt and I just sit next to each other for a very long time. After what feels like half an hour he says, "Did you really mean that before?" I turn my head to him and see Newt looking at me with a look that says he couldn't bear it if I said no now. For the first time ever, I actually wonder if maybe Alby and Minho were actually right. And also, for the first time, I really realize how pretty Newt actually is. So pretty I almost can't hold myself back for a moment. But the next moment I'm in control again. I swallow. Then I answer, "Yes." And this time, I suppress that tremendous urge to jump up and run. Newt is staring at the wall again. I'm watching him. After a while, when he still hasn't responded, I ask, "Are you okay?" Newt smiles widely, but he still looks at me against the wall. "Is everything okay?" he repeats and beams at me. "It's never been okay!" I raise an eyebrow and look questioningly at Newt. It's kind of out of character for him to be so happy - sounds weird, but it really is. Newt is usually so serious and composed. Newt laughs, which only makes it all the more spooky. "You really have no idea, do you?" he asks with a grin. "Indeed.", I just say. Because I have absolutely no idea what's going on with Newt right now. And instead of explaining what's going on, Newt leans in and kisses me. And he doesn't have to say anything more. Now everything is self-explanatory.

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