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After waking up the next morning, Newt and I make our way to Fry pan again. "What do we do now?" I ask him. I'm still just overjoyed. Until yesterday I hadn't really realized that I love Newt and now I could explode. Suddenly I don't even think it's a bad thing to be stuck in this labyrinth. I just feel totally euphoric. And I have a feeling Newt feels the same way. At least since last night he has a permanent grin on his face. "It would be kind of strange if we just went to the others and said that we are together, wouldn't it?" I say with a grin. Newt asked me to be with him right after he kissed me last night. And of course I didn't let myself be told that twice. Newt takes my hand as he walks and immediately the warmth from my hand flows through my whole body again. I can literally feel it tickling my veins and reaching the ends of my hair. Newt answers, his voice dropping just a little bit like it always does when he's excited. You can hardly hear the difference, but I always notice it immediately. It was particularly strong last night. I like it when his voice changes like that because I know I'm the cause. "We don't do anything. Just pretend everything is normal. They can then ask us themselves if they're interested.” I grin. "You're right." I feel the other lights staring at us as Newt and I pick up our breakfast. As soon as we sat down at the tree trunks, Minho comes running and falls on the grass across from us. He's beaming all over his face. "Well, it's about time! You caught a really big fish there, Newt!” he laughs, slaps Newt on the shoulder and winks at me.Newt grins. "However. And with the best will in the world I have no explanation for how it came about.” “Well, you should be grateful to me, you Strunk!”, I suddenly hear a voice behind me. Newt and I turn and look up at Alby. Newt looks at me questioningly. "Let's put it this way: That stalk gave me a little nudge in the right direction." I explain with a grin and Newt laughs. "I could have imagined that you were behind it!" he says to Alby, who holds up his arms defensively and replies: "Hey, I only did what was necessary. I honestly couldn't have listened to the whole thump you threw at me every day for a second longer!” “Wait a minute!” I interject, slightly horrified. "Are you saying Newt talked to you about me!" Alby grins. "Yeah. He's been nagging me about it pretty much all day, unless he's been bugging you.” I glare reproachfully at Newt, who just shrugs apologetically. Minho gets up and brushes the dirt off his pants. "Okay,newbie. Time to move into the maze. You really want to come with me?.” Newt immediately jumps up. "I'll come with you!" "Are you crazy?" Me and Minho ask in unison. Newt resolutely crosses his arms over his chest. "Do you seriously think I'll leave her alone? After what happened last night I absolutely want to be near her at all times and I'm definitely not going to let her go into that maze without me there!” he snaps at Minho. That touches me and the warm feeling comes back with renewed intensity, but this is somehow the wrong moment to throw my arms around his neck."Newt, please!" I say softly while Minho calls out, "Great! Anyone else want to come along? Why don't we take all the stumps out of this clunky clearing right away, hm? We'll definitely not be discovered by the Griewers!" "Newt. Minho is right. The less the better. Besides, they need you in the clearing.” Newt turns to me. "The bunch of stumps can go a day without a babysitter." He comes over to me, takes my hand and speaks urgently to me: "I won't let you go into this labyrinth with a lot of danger, okay? Don't you want me to come with you?” His dark eyes meet mine and hold them so I can hear him too. As always when Newt gets too close to me, I get this incredible urge to feel his lips on mine. I sigh, realizing that Minho and I say what we want, we're not going to be able to convince Newt to stay. "Yes, of course..." Newt and I both look questioningly at Minho, who watches us with a frown. Finally he sighs in annoyance and rolls his eyes. "According to me. But if you end up being mauled by Griewers, don't complain to me!” Newt grins and I see the adventurous spirit flash in his eyes. "Were gonna be quiet. Let's see who gets mauled in the end!”

Minho gives me and Newt a backpack and we walk towards the north gate, which is about to open. I can already see the other runners running through the other gates into the labyrinth. When we get to the gate, Minho turns to Newt and me and says, "Okay, rookie. I gave you a little briefing yesterday and Newt, you've been through the maze before. Just so you don't forget, the number one rule of runners is 'never stand still,' okay?” I nod and Newt clicks his heels together, puts his hand on his forehead like a soldier and says, “Sure thing , Boss!” Minho just rolls his eyes and Newt and I grin.Then we go through the massive gate and enter the labyrinth. As soon as we pass the wall to the clearing, I feel cold and gloomy, even though it's only mid-morning. I can feel Newt's discomfort next to me and he squeezes my hand. But this time there is no warm feeling, as if the stone walls of the labyrinth had sucked all the good feelings out of our bodies. It occurs to me that there must be a reason Newt was never interested in being a runner. He's clearly uncomfortable in here, although he's doing his best to hide it. Minho, on the other hand, doesn't seem to mind going into the maze at all. As soon as we enter it, he starts to run. Newt and I follow him and let go of our hands because it just makes it easier to run. I immediately feel unprotected. Minho suggests a higher tempo than I expected, but I can handle it and Newt doesn't seem to mind either. For hours we run through the streets without saying a word. Occasionally, Minho takes notes on his pad, but never stops - just like his rule says. When it is noon according to the position of the sun, we take a break and sit down against a wall, breathing heavily, to eat something. I scoot close to Newt and he wraps an arm around me and pulls me towards him.It feels good after not touching each other for so long. After we've all caught our breath, Minho says with a grin, "Well, newbie? Is that how you imagined it?” I shrug. "I don't even know what you all have. It doesn't seem that dangerous.” Minho laughs joylessly. "You haven't met any of those silly Griewers yet, newbie!" I just shrug my shoulders again and turn back to my food. After we've all eaten, we pick ourselves up and keep walking. After about two more hours, I suddenly hear a strange noise. I stop abruptly. Newt runs straight into me and almost knocked me over, but he grabs my arm just in time before I fall. Minho noticed that we stopped and turned to us. "What are you doing, newbie?" I put a finger to my lips. "There was something! Shut up!” Minho and Newt listen, frowning. Then we hear the noise again. A loud 'knock' could be heard at regular intervals, as if from metal on stone. "What's that?" I ask, but I can already read the answer in Minho's and Newt's wide, shocked eyes. "Griewer," Minho replies. "Run!" He then sprints away, and Newt and I follow at no slower pace.

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