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When I wake up, the first thing I notice is that Newt is no longer there. I push myself up on my elbows and look around, confused, but I don't see a sign of Newt anywhere in the cabin. I get up and leave the hut. The first thing I notice is that the gates are already open. I head to Fry Pan's kitchen to collect my breakfast. Still no sign of Newt. As I get my food, I hear someone call my name and turn around. Minho waves to me and approaches. "Hey," I greet him. "Hey, newbie. I thought I'd keep you company while Newt is still in the meeting with Alby." I take my bowl from the skillet and sit down by the tree trunks with Minho. "Oh, so there he is. But why aren't you at this meeting too?" Minho waves his hand. "It's nothing important, I think. As far as I know, it's about Gally." I just sigh and eat my bread. Minho and I talk about all sorts of things. The maze, Alby, Gally, the runners, the weather. Finally, Minho turns to me. "Say, newbie, what's going on between you and Newt?" Minho still calls me newbie, but I don't really care about that. I don't look up from my meal as I reply, "Nothing's going on there." Minho crosses his arms and looks at me accusingly. "You think I'm a total jerk, don't you?" "I don't..." I mumble. "Every Strunk can see that something is going on. So go ahead, spit it out." I roll my eyes. "Like I said, nothing's going on. We even had a fight last night." Minho seems genuinely surprised. "Seriously? Newt is totally peaceful. He wouldn't harm a fly." Of course, I know that's not true. Nobody here is like that. These guys have been through too much horror.Newt would fight just like anyone else if it was necessary. "Yes, yes. He doesn't want me to be a runner. But we made up.' I speak very quietly because I don't really want to talk about it and I have to swallow when I remember last night. Minho inexplicably grins. "Made up, yes? Right." I frown and look up at Minho. "What?" I ask, perhaps sounding a little ruder than I intended. "Nothing nothing. Newt just looked very pleased with himself when I saw him this morning." I look away thoughtfully. After a while Minho says, "You know, I think Newt is very fond of you. Maybe you should just give him some time." I just nod, standing up and taking my plate back to the skillet.

When I go back to Minho, Newt is standing next to him. I freeze for a moment because I was so lost in my thoughts about him and what Minho said that I honestly didn't expect it. But then I quickly pull myself together and approach the two, who seem to be having a lively conversation. The two break off and Newt greets me with a smile. "Sorry I didn't tell you about the meeting, but I didn't mean to wake you up." I wave my hand dismissively. "Oh what. I can manage on my own. You don't have to look after me all the time.' I reply. Just in case Newt isn't completely sold on this runner thing after all. So it would be good if I did a bit of self-employment. Minho seems to understand immediately and adds: "Yes, she's really a hell of a lot stronger than she looks." I owe him something for that. Newt smiles, "Well, then you can help carve new spears." I suppress an annoyed groan."Have fun, then." Minho grins and walks away in the direction of the map room. "Come on." Newt asks me and we walk towards a hut that is used as a workshop.

"Sorry about last night," Newt says suddenly, looking worried. "It's okay. It's over, Newt. So don't smack your pants right here." Newt grins. Arriving at the workshop, we start carving new spears. At some point Newt has to go and help Alby and I spend the rest of the day in the workshop. I only go out for lunch with Minho in between. We get along really well and I can tell that Minho is already almost like a brother to me. Only when the gates close do I stop carving and go to Newt's cabin with bruised hands. I'm so tired I don't even want to eat dinner. When I arrive at the cabin and am about to go inside, a voice suddenly calls out from behind me: "Hey, wait a minute!" I recognize the voice immediately. "Oh damn," I murmur, then turn around determinedly. "What do you want, Gally?" Gally walks towards me, grinning. "I just wanted to visit you. You're hardly caught alone. You have Strunk Newt chasing you all the time." I get angry. "He isn't chasing me and stop calling him Strunk!" "Yes he does," Gally says, like it's a given. He keeps walking towards me until we are very close. But I don't want to give him the triumph and back down. "Just leave me alone, okay?" I snap at him instead. Gally smiles. "Take it easy." ⚠️And then he hugs me. However anything but gentle. "Let go of me immediately!" I yell at him and fight back with all my might, but Gally is too strong. "Listen!" he says. "I know you want it too.. Don't worry, Newt won't find out." I keep struggling and yell again, "Let the fuck go of me, you nerd!" But Gally gulps your arms just tighter around me. "Shut up, okay?" he says.
It only pisses me off that he stays so calm. "No, definitely not!" I yell as loudly as I can.. But Gally doesn't let that affect him and bends down to me. At the same moment, I hear footsteps and movement out of the corner of my eye. Gally's face is getting closer and closer to mine. "Newt!" I yell desperately. And just in time he hits Gally in the face with his fist so hard that he lets go of me and is thrown to the side. "Newt!" I call out again, relieved this time. I've never seen Newt so angry before. And neither does Gally when he gets to his feet again. "How dare you?" he growls menacingly. "I was about to ask you that," replies Newt. Gally takes a step towards Newt. "You get out of there right now!" he yells at Newt. "No, get out, Gally!" I yell, still pissed off. "Stay out of this," Newt murmurs. Gally's face turns a shade of red that looks damn unhealthy. He takes two more steps towards Newt, but he doesn't back down. Then Gally swings back. "Newt!" I yell for what feels like the hundredth time, throwing myself between him and Gally. The blow hits me with full force on the right side of my face and I fall to the ground.⚠️

"Y/n, dammit!" Newt yells, but I'm too overcome with pain to turn to face him. Then I suddenly hear other voices. Among other things, Alby and I hear him yelling: "Gally, what are you thinking of, you stupid stump!" A scuffle ensues and then I hear Alby's voice again: "I'll take him to the construction site. Take care of Y/n, Newt." Then I feel myself being picked up and carefully turn my head. Newt. He carries me into the hut and puts me down. I try to sit up, but Newt pushes me back down. "Stay down. It's better for you." "I'm fine," I assure him, but it sounds weak and Newt doesn't respond. "He hit you pretty hard, but nothing broke I think. We should just sleep. You'll feel better tomorrow, I'm sure." Newt takes off his shirt, like he does every night, and lies down next to me with the orange top he's wearing underneath and drapes the blanket over both of us. "Thanks, Newt," I manage after a while. "I'm the one who should say thank you. In the end, the blow was meant for me. By the way, it was really stupid of you to throw yourself in front of me." "Thanks, I meant well." I reply dryly. Newt grabs my hand. "I know." I smile. "Gally's got a real kick ass. Maybe I shouldn't leave you alone after all." Newt says. I grin even wider. "I don't think I'd mind." Newt laughs and pulls me close like he did last night. After a while I hear his even breathing and feel his chest rise and fall. I lie awake for a while and stare at the ceiling until I finally fall asleep.

We will stand tall,face it all together Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora