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"Mummy, why is Daddy packing his bag? Are we going on a trip somewhere?" Seven-year-old Y/N asked, feeling a growing confusion as she watched her father's hurried movements.

"Don't worry, honey," her mother replied with a forced smile, "Your dad is just feeling a bit down and needs some time alone... and food." There was a pause, a hesitation in her mother's eyes that Y/N couldn't ignore. Even at her young age, Y/N was perceptive, sensing there was more to the story. But she knew better than to press her mother for information; that would only make things worse.

A sense of unease settled in Y/N's stomach. Fear gripped her as she considered the possibilities, and her world seemed to blur. Anxiety twisted her gut, and she started to dissociate from reality. The words of her parents became muffled, the room spun around her, and her head felt strangely light. Her headache intensified, and she could only focus on one thing—the sound of the front door closing. At that moment, Y/N knew her life was about to take a dark turn.

Y/N woke up the next day, groggy and unable to recall what had happened after her father's departure. Tears welled up in her eyes as she took in the emptiness of their home, now devoid of her father's presence. She wandered into his study, hoping to find something that might remind her of him. To her disappointment, all she discovered was a letter in an envelope. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she opened the envelope, her hands trembling.

The letter inside was a painful revelation:

Dear M/N,

Please take care of Y/N. I know I might not have shown it, but I do love and care for her. Y/N is a blessing, and I'm grateful you brought her into this world. You'll be a better parent than I ever could. This is goodbye. Please know that I love both of you deeply and wish you the best of health.



Y/N continued to explore her father's study, her emotions a whirlwind. One thought gnawed at her, making her increasingly unstable: "If you loved me, why did you leave? Why didn't you try to be responsible? Did you ever love me at all?"

Days turned into weeks, and Y/N's resentment toward her father grew. She found herself blaming him for her newfound loneliness, as her mother had to work tirelessly to support them both. Born into privilege, Y/N's mother now struggled to make ends meet. At just seven years old, Y/N had to learn to fend for herself, yearning for someone, anyone, to be there for her. But no one was, and the painful truth settled in—she was truly alone. The void left by her father's departure seemed to grow larger with each passing day, casting a long shadow over her young heart.

( 468 Words)



Just so you know I won't be talking all complex and stuff while writing A/N because its an author's note for a reason yk? Sorry the prologue was short there wasn't much to add but It will be longer for the next few chapters I hope. I think I will be going along with the original storyline but I'll see what I'd like to add or what you would like me to add. Please do give me feedback if there is anything you would like to change or add and I will try my best to change or add anything if I believe it would have turned out better that way. Thank you so much for your support and have a great night/evening/day.

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