-Chapter 12-

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"Excuse me, can you share your experience working closely with All Might?" inquired a persistent news reporter, bombarding Y/N with questions. She responded with a blank stare, clearly exhausted by the day.

"I don't really care. Please, just leave me alone," Y/N replied, but the reporters continued to swarm around her, seeking more details.

"Seriously, everyone's acting like All Might's some kind of prophet. Get over yourselves," Y/N impatiently remarked as she walked away from the conversation.

Upon reaching her class, she managed to secure a decent seat, even next to Bakugo. Aizawa-Sensei entered the room and began addressing the students.

"Good job in yesterday's combat training, everyone. I reviewed the video footage and results for each team. Bakugo, you're talented, so stop sulking like a child over your loss," Aizawa-Sensei commented, causing Y/N to perk up. 'So, Aizawa-Sensei does care about his students. That's nice,' she thought, a small smile forming on her face.

"Yeah, whatever," Bakugo grumbled, clearly irritated.

"And Midoriya, winning by hurting your arm isn't a sustainable strategy. Work harder and don't use the excuse that you can't control your quirk. You can't keep injuring yourself during training, but your quirk can be powerful once you master it. Show some urgency," Aizawa-Sensei ordered. Midoriya's expression changed from happiness to determination.


"Now, let's get down to business. Our first task will determine your future," Aizawa-Sensei declared, leaving the class both worried and relieved.

"You all need to choose a class representative," he announced. The students' worries were momentarily lifted, and they started voicing their desire to be the representative.

"Choose me, guys! I want to be the class rep!" Kirishima cheerfully exclaimed, raising his hand.

"I'll do it!" Denki volunteered.

"We need someone with style," Aoyama began, but Mina interrupted, "I'm the right choice!"

"Hey, you damn extras, pick me! I'm your only option!" Bakugo huffed, raising his hand as well.

"Um, if you want to, you can vote for me..." Y/N spoke quietly, but it seemed only Bakugo heard her.

"You, dumbass, vote for me," Bakugo ordered.

"Why should I?" Y/N teased, to which Bakugo grew more annoyed.


"Sure, I was going to vote for you anyway. I just love teasing you; it's super funny," Y/N added, further provoking Bakugo.

"OH, YOU THINK IT'S FUNNY? I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT'S FUNNY, YOU DAMN EXTRA!" Y/N felt terrified, thinking, 'And to think we were only starting to get along.'

"Wait, Bakugo, you're so cool, you know? And amazing... Since you're so amazing, you wouldn't dare hurt a little person like me, would you?" Y/N closed her eyes, waiting for a reaction. After a moment, she opened her eyes to see Bakugo turned away with an embarrassed yet shocked expression.

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