-Chapter 2-

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"I told you not to use your quirk unless it's absolutely necessary, and what did you do?" Y/N's mother exclaimed, her voice tinged with anger. Y/N braced herself for the inevitable lecture, her silence saying more than words ever could.

Her mother let out a deep sigh. "So, who was that boy, anyway? Did you know him?" Her mother's curiosity etched across her face, her concern genuine.

"Actually, I don't know him," Y/N replied truthfully. She knew her mother had a knack for spotting lies, making deception pointless. Her mother simply shook her head, disappointment evident in her eyes.

"Listen, I love and care for you, which is why I've been cautious about you using your quirk. But if you want to use it to help others, that's okay," M/N paused, searching Y/N's eyes for a sign of understanding, though all she found was confusion. "What I mean is, don't use it to show off to your classmates or anything like that. Use it for the greater good. I know you care about people and dream of becoming a hero more than anything. I'm telling you that you can achieve that dream, but be cautious and prioritize your health. Be the hero you aspire to be, for those who can't have quirks or have their own reasons. I believe in you, dear."

Y/N's mother leaned in, enveloping her daughter in a warm, tight hug, sharing her warmth and love. Y/N stood there, momentarily stunned, before returning the affectionate gesture with a warm smile.

She ascended the stairs to her room, a small space with a simple bed and closet. A beige carpet covered the floor, with a small coffee table adorned with homework and school supplies. Y/N took a seat at the table, staring blankly at the paper her teacher had given her to apply for high school. Lost in thought, her phone suddenly rang, and she was pleasantly surprised to see her friend from another school, Hagakure, on the caller ID. Y/N's blank stare transformed into a wide smile as she accepted the call, eager to catch up with her friend.

Y/N and Hagakure had been friends since they were eight, sharing everything with each other, even the less pleasant things. Hagakure's quirk was invisibility—she was invisible and unable to change back. They had met at a café and had been inseparable since, maintaining their friendship through letters, hangouts, phone calls, and texts.

"What's up, Y/n-Chan? Have you decided on a school yet?" Hagakure asked, her cheerful voice breaking the silence.

"Oh, not much. I'm thinking about attending a hero school, but I'm not entirely sure which one," Y/N replied, her tone casual. "What about you?" she added, not wanting to seem self-centered.

"I'm planning on going to U.A. It's going to be so exciting!" Hagakure's enthusiasm radiated through her words as she raised her invisible fist triumphantly.

"Maybe I'll go there too," Y/N quietly mused, her thoughts drifting.

"You should! We might even end up in the same classes! That would be amazing—I can hardly wait!" After hours on the phone, Y/N and Hagakure finally hung up. Y/N, before drifting off to sleep, moved from her bed back to the coffee table, where she began jotting down her thoughts on which school to attend.

'U.A,' she thought. U.A was the most prestigious hero school in Musutafu, and getting in was a challenge that attracted people from all over the world. Y/N had confidence in her abilities, but doubt occasionally crept in.

'Anyway, time to sleep—it's already midnight, and I have school tomorrow,' Y/N thought as she settled under the covers, hoping for a future filled with friends and opportunities.

( 669 Words)


Sorry If I got Hagakure's personality wrong or messed up with anything, it's probably because people mostly forget Hagakure that I also occasionally forget about her too but I made her Y/N's friend so there's something. I chose Hagakure mostly because the others are a lot more important than her, no offense, and since she is the easiest one for the story. Also their personalities match so why the fuck not? 

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