- Chapter 10-

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The match had begun, prompting Y/N to reduce the missile's size, rendering it nearly invisible to the naked eye. She concealed it inside her boot, believing it was the last place anyone would search. Bakugo had already rushed off in pursuit of Midoriya, presumably still seething with anger. Y/N tried to maintain optimism, but doubt crept in nonetheless. All she could do now was wait.


After approximately five minutes of waiting, Y/N's curiosity got the better of her. She decided to use the earpiece All Might had provided for communication and reached out to Bakugo.

"Hey Bakugo, can you provide a status update? Where are you?"

"Shut up and guard the weapon. I've got more pressing matters," he retorted, clearly irritated.

"Have you forgotten our mission? Hello?" Y/N pressed on. However, as she checked her earpiece, she realized something disheartening.

"He hung up on me!" She grew frustrated, but there was little she could do. "If I move somewhere else, they won't suspect the missile is with me. I should stall for a while until time runs out." She formulated a simple but efficient plan and set off to find another hiding spot. "Let's hope Bakugo can hold them off," she thought optimistically.

Y/N discovered a concealed spot on the second floor behind some boxes and began to ponder her next move.

"Considering Midoriya-Kun, he probably dispatched Uraraka-San to locate the missile, ensuring they wouldn't run out of time if they both confronted Bakugo or fell into the villains' hands. A rather clever plan. I should inform Bakugo, although he might not be receptive. It's worth a try," Y/N thought.

She transmitted through her earpiece, "Bakugo, I believe Uraraka is currently searching for the missile. I followed your advice and made it small enough to remain invisible to the naked eye, hiding it on my person. I left the room to divert her attention from the missile's location, and now I'm in hiding. You probably intend to confront both of them, but the better strategy is to wait until time expires. Though I doubt you'll heed my advice, please give it your best effort." Y/N spoke quietly, hoping Bakugo wouldn't hang up again.

"Haah? Don't tell me what to do!" He exclaimed before ending the call.

Y/N sighed, her frustration growing with each passing moment. She was convinced that this approach would lead to both of them losing. Nevertheless, it might teach Bakugo a valuable lesson. Scanning her surroundings, she noticed something pink. 'Uraraka...' Y/N kept quiet, tiptoeing away to escape. Unfortunately, Uraraka-San had taken notice and began pursuing Y/N as she desperately attempted to evade her. 'She still doesn't know that the missile is with me. If I can lose her, she'll continue searching for the missile, which isn't even part of their plan, I presume.' Y/N thought while sprinting as fast as she could. She turned the corner and ascended the stairs, expecting Uraraka to follow. Y/N contemplated misleading her, making her think she went the opposite way, allowing Y/N to return downstairs while Uraraka scoured the upper levels. Y/N understood that she might stumble upon the missile room, leading to a revelation.

'I made physical contact with her during the entrance exam while healing her. I should be able to control her. If I can do that, I can direct her towards Bakugo so we can win. However, Bakugo isn't cooperating at the moment. If I share the plan with him, he might agree since it aligns with his approach.' Uraraka had already ascended the stairs, fortunately in the opposite direction. Once Y/N was confident the path was clear, she descended to the ground floor. She needed to concentrate to control Uraraka-San. Closing her eyes and focusing solely on Uraraka, Y/N managed to assert control. Bakugo was familiar with her Quirk, so Y/N was certain he would eventually catch on. In contrast, Midoriya knew very little about her Quirk, except for what he witnessed during the sludge villain attack. Y/N visualized Uraraka's movements while forming a clear mental image of their starting point at the entrance. She knew they wouldn't remain there since Uraraka had moved on to a different location.

{Corrigible Life} - Bakugo x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz