-Chapter 14-

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If it's in italics then it's being whispered or is an important line.


"Today's training will be a little different," announced Y/N's homeroom teacher, Aizawa-Sensei.

"You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." As soon as Aizawa-Sensei had spoken, the whole class erupted into applause and gasps at the thought of All Might being there again. However, a student named Sero couldn't contain his curiosity and asked Aizawa-Sensei a question.

"Sir! What kind of training is this?"

Aizawa-Sensei produced a card, identical to the one All Might had shown them, but instead of "Battle" written in bold red, it had "Rescue" written in bold blue. "Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, and the like," he explained. Everyone erupted into chatter once again, seemingly excited, except for Y/N, who showed no clear emotion. She didn't have a particular preference for rescue training; she simply preferred battles. Nevertheless, she recognized the importance of rescue training and the need to learn this aspect of hero work. Y/N also noticed that Bakugo, who was still seated beside her, shared her lack of enthusiasm for the training.

"Guys, I'm not finished yet," Aizawa-Sensei interrupted the class as they started to get restless.

"What you wear in this exercise is up to you. If you're excited about costumes, keep in mind that you aren't used to them yet, which might limit your abilities." Aizawa-Sensei used a remote to showcase the costumes once more. "This special training is at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all; start getting ready." With that, he began to walk away.

As everyone began to move, Y/N contemplated who to talk to or whether she should remain silent. She ultimately decided that Toru-Chan would be the best choice, although she noted that it seemed like Toru was already deep in conversation with Ojiro-Kun. 'It's like we're just best friends in name,' Y/N thought bitterly, feeling a twinge of jealousy, even though she had been spending a lot of time with Bakugo lately.

"Hey, dude," Y/N approached Bakugo, causing him to grit his teeth in annoyance.

"What the hell do you want? And don't fucking call me 'dude,'" he snapped, and Y/N sighed, growing accustomed to his prickly demeanor.

"What a greeting. Maybe you should sign up for a circus. I bet you'd win a medal for first place, considering you think you're the 'best,'" Y/N teased, provoking Bakugo's anger.

"What the fuck did you just say to me, dumbass? If I'm the fucking circus, then you're probably the clown," he retorted, and Y/N smirked.

"Oh? So you want us to stay together forever? I didn't know you could be this sweet, Bakugo."

"The fuck? I didn't say that," Bakugo exclaimed.

"Oh, maybe I really should get you an award for that family-friendly sentence," she retorted as Bakugo sighed and grabbed his hero costume, while Y/N did the same. They both headed to the changing rooms.

"I was wondering, do you want to hang out after school? I'm pretty bored," Y/N changed the subject, wanting to spend more time with Bakugo outside of school.

"Why the fuck should I waste my time on a shitty girl like you?" he replied, making her groan.

"My mum's going to work, so I'm left all alone in a house that's bigger than fucking Target," Y/N said, growing bored even just thinking about it.

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