Warning: Contains adult language and sexual content!

I take a final glance at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. This is the first time in a while that I've dressed up this nicely. I'm glad that I didn't go for a full two piece tux, but something lighter, deciding on the blue solid color shirt and black denim. After running a comb under the tap I rake it through my hair one last time for good measure.

It's only been two short months since my last break up and I know I am more than ready to put myself back out there, but yet, I am nervous as hell. It's almost like it's my first date all over again. I met this wonderful woman named Elise on Tinder. Of course, with all the weird ass people on the internet nowadays, we both wanted to verify over video chat that the person behind the screen matches the photos. After that, she and I hit it off and we seem to get along very well.

Tonight is the night that I get to meet her in-person for the first time. We both boldly agree that Sonic Drive In is very superior to a fancy high class restaurant. We also agree that paying $60 for a single steak that is slightly smaller than a business card is very ridiculous.

I leave the bathroom and walk through the living room. I pass by my roommate and my band mate, Jorel, who is sitting on the couch and watching Wrestle Mania on his iPad.

"Heya Dyl. Where ya heading?" He asks me, not looking away from his screen.

I clear my throat as I look for my car keys and my phone that I could've sworn I had left on the countertop.

"I'm going to meet Elise tonight. Have you seen my keys, Jay?"

Again, without tearing his eyes away from his screen, he jingles my keys in between his fingers then tosses them in my direction. He points to the end table, where my phone is sitting face down.

"Remember you turned into a spazzy Spanish speaking ball of nerves when she agreed to meet you? You literally left your keys on the coffee table and your phone over there before you went hightailing upstairs to the shower."

He shakes his head.

"You need to chill the fuck out. It's just a date." He chuckles.

I awkwardly rub the back of my neck. He's right, I do need to cool it, but I am still pretty nervous. I know there's really nothing to be afraid of.

Jorel must've sensed my anxiety. He finally takes his attention away from the painful sounding performance on the screen and stands to his feet, he walks in front of me and brushes the fabric of my shirt with his hands.

"Dylan. My guy." He starts, resting his hands firm on my shoulders and looking me directly in the eye.

"You'll do great. Just be you, don't try to fake anything to impress her, and for God's sake, don't get high on the way there. You turn into a giddy airhead when you're stoned. Follow that advice and you'll do fine. Okay?"

I nod slowly. He smiles, giving me a playful slap on the shoulder as he hands me my shoes. He walks me outside to my waiting Chevy truck. Jorel knocks on the window, he smiles again and yells from the other side of the glass.

"Have fun Dyl! Wake me up and tell me all about it when you get home!"


I let out a sigh as I shut off my engine, leaving the pop music from the radio play at a low volume. I took a quick glance at the address that Elise had given me.

"95 South Side... this is the place..."

I park my truck in front of a yellow American Colonial style house before I window down slightly to let some of the crisp October evening air flow in as I wait for Elise.

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