Warning: Contains adult language and sexual content! Also mentions survivor's guilt and post traumatic stress disorder! Read at your own risk!


I unlock the front door, allowing Ava to walk in. She's trying her best as a 9 year old to carry in a big paper bag of groceries by herself. She makes it inside before setting it down on the coffee table. 

"Phew. That's heavy." She huffs.

"You did good, Aves." I say to her as I shut the door with my foot.

"If you eat plenty of spinach and lift weights on a daily basis, soon you'll have big strong muscles just like dad."

She scrunches her nose and shakes her head.

"Ew, no. I won't eat spinach. I'll take the muscles though, thanks."

I chuckle watching her rummage through the bag for her Gatorade and sit herself on the couch. After I put the groceries away, I sit beside her and look at the television screen to see what she's watching. 

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. I haven't seen this since I was her age. As she is watching the movie, I decide to quickly check my phone for any notifications. My phone was on silent I see that I had a lot of notifications, all mostly from Facebook and Instagram, but there was a message from Dylan. Upon opening it, I see it was a 35 second long voice recording. 

I take a glance at Ava as I pop in my ear bud to take a listen. The last time that Dylan sent me a voice recording and I played it out loud, Ava had so many questions that I was not ready to answer. I had to play it twice because I could barely make out what he was saying but my jaw drops when I hear it, as clear as day:

"I'm s-so sorry... I'm s-so sorry E-Elise. I'm so s-sorry Jay. I'm s-so sorry Day. I'm s-sorry everyone. I'm g-getting what I-I deserve."

My mind goes blank for a second. Is he...? Did he...?! 

I feel so bad thinking that I am too late to help. Fuck, I received this two hours ago, and I just opened it! I take a panic breath as I stand. Ava turns her head to look at me.

"Are you okay, Dad?" 

"Y-Yeah, sweetie, I'm fine. I'm going to make a call real fast."

When she turns her attention to the movie, I make a bee line to the kitchen to call Dylan. I really hope that I am overthinking and he's fine. After 4 rings it goes to voicemail. Immediately, I call again.

"Come on, Dyl. Pick up..." I mutter.

Again no answer. I try to call Jorel, again my call goes to voicemail. I quickly pop my coat back on.

"Ava. Get your coat on. We're going back out."

She excitedly pulls her coat on and she eagerly searches for her shoes. I don't have time to wait so I scoop her up in my arms and gently sit her in the back seat.

"Where are we going, Dad?" She asks.

"Honey. I need you to be quiet. I'll explain it later."


I took a breath as I turned onto Dylan's street. I am expecting to see crime tape and flashing lights at the residence but oddly all I see is Jorel's car and the apartment is dark. I'm more nervous now than ever. I park the car and step out. 

"We're at Uncle Dylan's! Can we go in and say hi?" 

I am terrified that the worst has happened. I quickly lock the door but leave the car running so my daughter stays warm. I look at her from over the seat.

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