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Warning: Contains adult language and sexual content!


"...36 year old mixed race male. Semi conscious, breathing, BP is 89/58..."

"...Holy shit, Dyl. What did you do to yourself, man...?"

"Dan. Call his kids' mama. She needs to get over here pronto."

"...Hi Dad. I love you. Feel better soon..."

"...Hey. You're a strong guy. I don't care what they say. I know you'll pull through. Everything is gonna be okay, Dyl. We're waiting for you to wake up..."

Elise? Elise?!"

My eyes are darting left and right looking through the shattered windshield, frantically searching for my date. It's too dark to see outside. I don't know what happened, all I know is that some dude crashed into my car head on and we flipped over. I had a sense of panic hit me as I couldn't find her. She is nowhere to be seen.


That is the last word that I was able to willingly say. I am suddenly unable to speak or make any kind of noise. The only thing I had control over is my eyes and my silent breathing, it is like my body is being controlled by puppet strings. 

I watch everything around me then the car and the surroundings around me begins to fade. The steering wheel in my fist disappears and my hand's grip loosens.

My body is weightlessly floating in the air, my back slightly arched, my arms effortlessly raised and my legs lazily sprawled out. There isn't a single emotion in my mind as I blankly watch everything dissolve into bright white.

It all seems unreal, almost like I am in a dream. The pain that is pulsating through my body almost instantly subsides. It feels like I am dissociating from my own body. I am no longer in the car but I am floating in a bright white void. I have a strange and vivid moment of clarity and all control when I start plummeting. A pavement colored ground is rushing at me.

"Shit!" I yelp.

The anxiety almost instantly fades when my descend slows down. It feels like I am he blank bright surrounding turning cold and black. It kind of reminds me of the time that I got really blazed off from Jay's joint that he got from Danny. As quick as that memory came in it quickly disappears. I land on my back. I am laying on something soft. I can't move a single muscle yet I feel no pain.

The air suddenly smelled sweet, nothing in particular but a sweet almost citrusy scent. I like it. I felt very sleepy. I take a deep inhale allowing my eyes to slowly close, drifting into a deep dreamless sleep. 

My eyes slowly pull open. At first, I couldn't see anything but a white blur. As my vision clears, I can start to make out a speckled off-white title ceiling through a tight cloth slit. There's the sound of weird tones and low beeps. 

I didn't know where I am. I have no memory of how I got here. I try to move my head but I am having no luck. It feels like half of my body stopped working. I can only move my feet, my eyes, my mouth, and my right arm. The rest of my body is frozen. 

"Ah. Hh... A-Ahhh..."

Fuck. I can't speak either. My attempts to say anything is coming out in short single syllable yelps or noises. I take a couple panic induced breaths trying so desperately to calm down. A firm warm grip on the right side steals my attention.

"Guys. He's waking up. Hey Dyl. You're okay, man. I'm right here."

The soft voice matches Jorel. He leans a bit closer so I can see him through the bandages, his dark teary eyes glance with mine. I couldn't hold my emotions back anymore. The tidal wave of anxiety hits me. I let out a high pitch whimper. I squeeze the stinging tears from my eyes. 

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