Chapter 7~ Forgive and Forget

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Chapter 7

Forgive and Forget

Bella Swan

The Cullen house was quiet when we arrived, and not because everyone was tired from the flight. I knew that it was all my fault. That I ruined all of their peace for neglecting to tell them that I was leaving. There was no one to blame but myself.

I could hear Edward going upstairs and I wanted more than anything to follow him up and fix everything, but a warning look from Jasper stopped me. Instead I went outside and sat by the lake. I could hear Alice approaching me so I ran, mouthing sorry. I didn't want the company of anyone.

Despite how much it hurt, I went to Edward's meadow and I sat again, listening the water in the stream nearby, and admiring the wildflowers growing in the summer. I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear him coming until he was a few feet away.

"Carlisle, I am so sorry for not tell-" I began.

"I know Bella. And I forgive you. It's not be that's angry," he said.

I sighed. "I know. And I want to talk to him and explain but..."

"There's nothing to explain." he finished.

I nodded. "I know that he's right. I should've told all of you, but I didn't know how, and at the same time I couldn't even believe that it was true because I didn't want it to be."

We were silent for a few minutes, just staring at the lake.

"Can I ask you something Bella?" he said. I nodded and he continued. "Why are you with the Volturi?"

It took me a few moments to answer, because honestly, I wasn't sure. "I guess it's because they're the first vampires I knew. They made sure I was comfortable, and always attended to my every need. In some ways, it was like I still had a family."

He nodded, as if he understood. "But, assuming you would want to, could you leave them? Would they allow it?"

"I'm not sure. I think the main reason they kept me was because of my gift."

"Makes sense," he said. "They're always trying to gain more power. They wanted Alice and Edward."

"They're not bad people!" I said suddenly, ecoming defensive. "They're not just a group of power-hungry vampires, they want to restore peace."

He held up his hands. "I know Bella, I lived with them. I'm sorry if I insulted you or your coven."

"It's fine. I'm sorry I snapped at you."

He waved away my apology and got up, saying he was going to go check up on his amily.

This weird feeling came to me abruptly, and I quickly realized it as jealousy. I was jealous of the close-knit family they had, of the intimacy they shared, of the love. I had none of that in Italy. Yes, the Volturi cared for it's members but not in such a special bond as the Cullen's do. They really were a family.

Coming to this realization, I whipped out my phone and called Volterra, wishing to speak to Aro.

"Isabella!" he said as he picked up. "Is there something wrong, my dear?"

"Of course not Aro," I told him. "Did you really think the Cullen's would start some trouble?"

He laughed his creepy laugh. "I guess I am just worrying about you. Is there a reason you called?"

I paused for a second, mustering up the courage. To disobey your master is a crime punishable by death. "Yes, there is actually. Is it true I am due to leave in two weeks, master?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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