Chapter 2- A Different Day

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Chapter 2- A Different Day

Bella Swan

I spent a few more hours in my room before going downstairs to see the Cullen's.

"Good morning Bella," Esme greeted me. "I'm going outside to work on my garden, would you like to come?"

I nodded.

I followed her outside to the backyard, my jaw dropping as I saw her outstanding garden.

"Esme, did you do this yourself?" I inquired shocked.

Esme nodded, the corners of her mouth pulling up in delight. "Do you like it?"

"I love it," I assured her, taking a look around.

She had daffodils, sun flowers, red roses, white roses, tulips, violets and pretty much every other flower you could think of!

"Wow," I breathed.

I helped Esme plant a few more flowers before heading inside, where I was bombored by a hyper Alice.

"Bella! Why are you all dirty? Oh my gosh you need to change NOW! I can't believe this! Come with me right now, we have to get you something to wear!" Alice chirped quickly.

"Alice, calm down! I have two other pairs of clothes to wear," I said.


"Alice! Please, you're starting to hurt my ears."

"Sorry," she said sheepishly. "But seriously, come with me. We have to get you changed."

"It's just a bit of dirt. It's not likethe world's going to end."

"The FASHION world is!"

"What? What fashion world?"

"Bella, I have so much to teach you."

"And I have so much to do!" I countered. "I have to give daily updates to the guard, find somewhere to park my car instead of the middle of your driveway and-"

"Silly Bella, you can park your car in ou garage," she inturrupted swiftly. "Just ask Rosalie whee you can place it."

"Rosalie?" I said hesetantly.

Alice giggled then rushed us into the garage. Rosalie was there, upgrading her BMW.

"Hey, is that the new upgrades they released a few weeks ago?" I asked unable to tame my curiosity.

"Yeah," she said confused. "You know cars?"

"Yeah, a little. In Italy I enjoyed spending time working on my cars."

"What cars do you have?" she asked.

"Well I brought my Bugetti Veyron here-"

"That's yours? I've been dying to work on it!" she interrupted, getting excited.

"You can if you want. I don't mind," I said. "I just need someplace to park it."

"Really?!" she asked. "You can park it here, I have some space for it in the other garage!"

"Thanks Rosalie that would be wonderful." I replied.

"Oh my gosh Bella thank you! Thank you so much!!" She yelled, coming to hug me. "And please, call me Rose."

I was shocked, but hugged her back. Maybe she was loosening up. "Well, here's the keys," I said passing them to her. "and be free to to install anything you want- Well, anything that improves it."

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