Chapter 3- A Day Worth Missing

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I'm honestly enjoying writing this book even though the plot has been done to death! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Can we get 3 more votes before you get the next chapter?


Chapter 3

A Day Worth Missing

Bella Swan

When the next morning came, Alice barged through my room, dashing straight towards my closet.

"Um, Alice?" I said confused.

"Oh no, this won't do," she mumbled.

She grabbed my hand, taking me down a flight of stairs and into Rosalie's room.

"Rose, fashion crisis! Bella has nothing to wear for today." Alice said, in the midst of freaking out.

"Alice what do you mean?" I asked. "I have other outfits in my closet."

"Bella, I can't let you be seen in public like that. You would only embarrass yourselves, which would embarrass the family." Alice said, with Rosalie giggling quietly on the bed.

"Thanks for being so considerate," I muttered.

Alice apologized, smiling slightly before turning to Rosalie. "Can we borrow some of your clothes? Mine won't fit Bella."

Rose said yes, before pointing me towards her closet. Alice tried going to lol out my outfit but I stopped her. "I can do it myself Alice."

She groaned but allowed me.

Rosalie had a whole mall in her closet. There were dresses, mini dresses, gowns, jeans, skirts, jackets, high heels, stilettos, EVERYTHING!

It took me a few minutes to get accustomed to the organizational pattern but from there it was pretty simple.

As usual, I wore a pair of dark blue jeans with a black tank top, and I had a navy blue denim jacket over it. Rose even let me wear her special edition Converse shoes that were actually made out of denim!

I thanked her profusely letting me borrow her clothes.

"Oh those old things? Bella you can keep whatever you want from there. Alice buys us so much clothes that sometimes we can't even wear them." She said kindly.

Alice stuck out her tongue but I laughed softly. I thanked her again before Alice dragged me to the garage, where there were a bunch of old bag packs lined up.

"I know they're used but can you use one of these today until I can find you one?"

I nodded. "Alice you don't have to do that for me. I can buy one myself."

"But Bella!" She pouted.

I rolled my eyes and allowed her. There was just no stopping her.

I grabbed a black and red striped back pack before the rest of the Cullen's came into the garage with us.

"Bella, you'll go with me, Jasper, and Edward in the Volvo and Rose and Emmett can take the BMW ok?"

I agreed, slightly dismissed that again I would have to be near Edward.

With the Cullen's fast driving, we were at the school in less than ten minutes, leaving us another ten minutes before having to go to class.

Alice and Jasper took me to the front office, explaining to Ms. Cope who I was.

"Hello Ms. Cope!" Alice chirped. "This is Bella Swan, our new sister that our parents adopted."

"Hello Ms. Swan. It's nice to meet you." Ms. Cope said, introducing herself.

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