Chapter 4- The Meadow

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Chapter 4

The Meadow

Bella Swan

School became a weekly routine, and finally, the students here at this tedious place seemed to ignore me as much as they do with the Cullen's.

That was fine with me.

Life was becoming predictable, like I knew exactly what was going to happen- I felt like Alice.

I would go to school, then sometimes hunt after and go back and read the whole day. Plus, give the Volturi an update- Nothing.

For once, I wished they could do something to expose us, so I could finally get in on some of the action! But at the same time, I knew I didn't really want that, considering they treated me like family- more so than the gurad did.

Alice was a great friend, even if she kept forcing me to shop with her. My declines were starting to lose patience. Rosalie didn't exactly hate me. We spent a few afternoons discussing cars and such with Alice staring boredly at us.

I played video games with Emmett and sometimes Jasper.

My relationship with Edward didn't change for the better though. He continued ignoring me, not even looking at me. I wondered what had happened to make him change. Alice seemed to know as she smiled smugly at Edward while he glared. I stared idly at them. What was going on between them anyways?

All of the movement in the house stopped when Alice gasped. Her eyes went still and everyone waited for her to come out of her visions.

"The Denali's are coming."

As Alice murmured these simple words, the house seemed to calm down considerably, obviously expecting something worse.

Edward though, sulked in the corner, glaring again at a now chuckling Alice.

My brow furrowed in confusion. Who were they talking about?

"Who are the Denali's?" I asked.

Carlisle steppe forward. "The Denali's are our 'cousins.' They live in Denali, Alaska." he explained.

"Why are they named after where they live?" I asked bluntly.

The family chuckled, and I think even Edward cracked a smile.

Carlisle turned to Alice. "When are they coming?"

"Tomorrow," she answered confidently.

Carlisle nodded and then went over to Esme, kissing her chastely on the lips and pulling her into his side. I smiled softly. They were perfect for each other.

Edward growled at Alice and my head turned to their direction. Alice and Edward were super close, so why did Edward look like he was about to tackle her?

Jasper ran to Alice's side and focused on Edward, and I saw him calm down, before growing angrier. "Don't even consider it Jasper," he hissed.

Jasper nodded, but kept Alice pressed against his side.

Edward rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to hurt her Jazz." He said. "She was just provoking me with her thoughts," he muttered under his breath.

Emmett laughed loudly. "Afraid Tanya's going to follow you around again Eddie?"

He growled at Emmett. "Shut up! And don't call me Eddie, you know I hate that!"

Emmett stopped laughing. "Sorry Edd- Edward."

Edward just sighed in annoyance and left.

Everyone seemed to sigh in relief.

"What's his deal?" Rosalie mumbled.

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