Just the start

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[It was 2 in the morning exact. And fan had started getting jealous that bot was getting more attention than him. So he had one idea only, take their metal off. Of course, he couldn't do it that night. Only because test tube was comforting bot after being eliminated. Apparently after test tube got eliminated, she built a small cabin for every eliminated contestant. Fan was sitting in his room, thinking of when he should strike. Maybe the night after? When no one is looking? He obviously couldn't do it with test tube around though. It would be too loud and the cries of pain would probably be louder. But he also couldn't do it with the others around, because they would just tell test tube. So what should he do? The safest option would be the night after.. he just needs to prepare.]

[Fan walks to bot's room and hears test tube reading bot a bedtime story again. He listens in and waits until test tube leaves the room. Once she does, she sees him and asks one question.]

Test tube: Why were you waiting outside bot's room?

[Fan tries to think of something quick. He didn't wanna get caught.]

Fan: I was just curious and what you were reading to them that's all..!

Test tube: Oh okay! I was reading little red riding hood to them. They said it's their favorite.

Fan: That's wonderful! Say, do you know the next time you'll be out of the cabin?

Test tube: Oh! probably tomorrow. I'm working on a gift for bot.

Fan: That's great! I'll be heading back to my room.

Test tube: that's a good idea. It's 2 am. You should get rest.

Fan: On it!

[fan walks back to his room, sweating a little from stress. He didn't think it would be that easy to get away with. When he made it back to his room, he sat on his bed. He stared at the ground thinking when he should strike tomorrow. He thought he should probably just do it while they're asleep. Maybe when they're awake but only just a little streak. He couldn't get a hold on a screw driver so he decided to just use a knife. Sure, it'll be loud. But it's better than nothing.]

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